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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Climate gets more attention due to corona

27 May 2020

The Dutch want to preserve the cleaner air that has been created by shutting down large parts of the economy. A representative sample of ABN AMRO and Ipsos shows that more than 71% of those surveyed want to retain the po...

No low hanging fruit within agricultural and food policy

26 May 2020

Based on the political and social debate, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has inventoried and analysed a broad spectrum of possible policy measures for effectiveness, feasibility and legal legitimac...

HAK: more sustainable farming with compensation for the farmer

20 May 2020

Despite all the commotion from the LTO about the sustainability label On the way to PlanetProof last week, vegetable manufacturer HAK persists in getting all its freshly processed vegetables and legumes from Dutch soil O...

Last chance accelerated climate subsidies for industry

15 May 2020

Until 30 June 2020, the Accelerated Climate Investment Industry scheme still offers great opportunities for investments in energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of waste, local infrastructure and other CO2-reducing meas...

The future of food safety

15 May 2020

The horsemeat affair, salmonella in smoked salmon, Q fever, bird flu, the pesticide fipronil in eggs; one might almost think that food safety in the Netherlands and Europe is poor. Is it? We discuss it with Marco Balhuiz...

Nocotech disinfects thoroughly

15 May 2020

Nocotech, introduced to the Dutch food market four years ago by Simpel Desinfecteren, disinfects thoroughly. The dry vapour is biodegradable and the system is safe for humans and the environment. Medical sector priori...

Safe disinfection

15 May 2020

Now that the COVID-19 virus is circulating, there is a great demand for disinfectants. There is a shortage on the market, so all registers are being pulled open in the search for reliable products. It is important for yo...

Future Food Group launches new PLNT brand

15 May 2020

Future Food Group has developed its own brand. Under the name PLNT it markets an extensive line of meat substitutes. Products that are not only good for people but also for our planet. With the vision of making meat subs...

The petition eerlijkevleesprijs.nl is online

15 May 2020

The new website eerlijkevleesprijs.nl has recently gone live. This website links Dutch people directly to the petition of the True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition. In the past year, the TAPP Coalition has succes...

Albert Heijn does online trial with food choice logo Nutri-Score

14 May 2020

Albert Heijn is starting a new trial today with the food choice logo Nutri-Score. For six weeks, the supermarket chain will place the logo on the website for approximately 2,000 products. The aim is to see whether custom...

Info crop protection products too fragmented

14 May 2020

Innovations in agriculture and horticulture follow each other in rapid succession in order to produce food ever more efficiently, sustainably and safely. That is why farmers and horticulturists need better information fl...

‘Too much focus on food safety’

12 May 2020

Improving food quality means finding a good balance between food safety and quality, argues Tiny van Boekel, emeritus professor of Product Design & Quality Management, and his co-authors in an opinion piece published...

GfK: 95% buys organic

12 May 2020

More households (95.1%) bought organic products in 2019, according to new GfK research (2020) commissioned by Bionext. In particular, the group of consumers who choose organic from time to time is increasingly buying an ...

New investment fund for WUR startups

06 May 2020

Start-ups, who work under the wing of Wageningen University & Research, can apply for crucial funding from a new fund: SHIFT III. This is a so-called multi-stage fund, which startups can use for a longer period of ti...

Deposit on small plastic bottles for less litter

30 April 2020

1 July 2021 a deposit will be introduced on small plastic bottles. State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven has agreed this with the packaging industry. Per bottle (< 1 liter) will soon be 15 cents deposit. For large bo...