Circular Food Center works on closed-loop chops
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Circular Food Center works on closed-loop chops

  • 15 March 2021

The closed-loop chop or the waste-free egg: two examples of circular chain concepts on which a cluster of companies, governments, research institutions and social organizations will work within the Circular Food Center. This is what Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Together Against Food Waste) is announcing. The goal is a circular animal protein chain, in which residual streams are processed into animal feed on a large scale. Pigs and chickens can then "upcycle" these food scraps into an animal protein product for human consumption, such as meat or eggs. Only when residual streams are converted into animal feed on a larger scale will the ambition to halve food waste in the Netherlands by 1 billion kilograms annually be achievable.

A circular animal protein chain is desirable for several reasons. Animal feed made from food waste has a carbon footprint that is significantly lower than traditional animal feed. Circular animal feed also leads to less pressure on natural resources, preservation of biodiversity, less dependence on the global commodity market and a resilient food system with enough good food for everyone.

Circular products

Toine Timmermans, director of the Foundation Together Against Food Waste: "The cluster of the Circular Food Center wants to bring this story to the market in the form of valuable products. A recycled pork chop on the menu or a waste-free egg on the supermarket shelf: it must be attractive to consumers and financially feasible for companies. Themes such as food safety and animal welfare also play a role." In the cluster, companies from throughout the chain are working together on business models to offer distinctive, circular products through supermarkets, specialty stores or the out-of-home channel. They want to scale up innovations to close loops and work on an attractive circular earnings model for all chain partners.


Participants in the cluster at the start are: Farmer Ruud, Darling Ingredients, Kipster, Nevedi, Nijsen company, Oranjehoen, Rabobank, Smits Source of Energy, LOOOP and the municipality of Meierijstad, the provinces of North Brabant and Limburg and Wageningen University & Research. Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Together Against Food Waste), as the driving force behind the Circular Food Center, plays a coordinating role.

Source: Stichting Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling