Utrecht province wants to strengthen regional food chains
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Utrecht province wants to strengthen regional food chains

  • 30 April 2021

The Province of Utrecht is going to promote sustainable production of more local food. Many farmers in the region already offer the possibility to buy products directly at the farmyard. With provincial stimulation plans, the province will work on strengthening regional food chains. The aim is also to further stimulate healthy and sustainable consumption.

Over the next three years, provincial investments to strengthen the chain could amount to as much as 700,000 euros. The plans are contained in the so-called Food Agenda and have been approved by the Provincial Council. With this policy, the Provincial Executive is fulfilling the ambitions of the coalition agreement.

Strengthening existing and new initiatives

There are already various networks in the province that are working to strengthen and develop more direct sales of locally produced food. There is also cooperation and experimentation in the field of healthy and sustainable consumption. The province wants to help these involved parties to cooperate even better and learn from each other. The Food Agenda also facilitates a number of experiments to move forward in the food transition. At the request of the Provincial Council, it is being investigated what subsidy possibilities there could be for the stimulation and further innovation of short-chain initiatives. It is also being investigated whether strengthening cooperation in the form of a local or regional brand of food producers would be of added value.

View the document ‘Gezond en duurzaam eten in en uit de regio – Voedselagenda provincie Utrecht 2021-2023’(Dutch only)

Source: Provincie Utrecht