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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Enjoy meat without regrets with LikeMeat

29 September 2020

Founded in 2013, LikeMeat is still considered a pioneer in the production of plant meat and pursues the mission to create a better world with a better way of eating for a greater way of life.   Above all, LikeMeat pro...

Protein drink from waste from the beer industry

29 September 2020

The Dutch beer industry produces enormous quantities (0.5 million tonnes) of beer every year, the residual product of malt after brewing. The bostel contains 30% protein. This residual product is now mainly processed int...

The potential of cultured meat and fish is great

28 September 2020

Mosa Meat, the European food technology company which introduced the world’s first cultured beef hamburger in 2013, announced the first closing of $55M as part of a larger Series B funding round. Mosa Meat will use th...

Weltec builds biogas plant near Seoul

25 September 2020

Weltec Biopower starts building a biogas plant in South Korea. The plant is being set up in the province of Gyeonggi-do, some 60 km north of Seoul, and will transform biogas into heat in an integrated gas boiler. As earl...

KIDV launches PackForward, for sustainable packaging

23 September 2020

The Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) launched PackForward, a European knowledge base for sustainable packaging, on Thursday 17 September. The new platform connects international parties in the field o...

ACM sets rules for sustainability claims

23 September 2020

The Consumer & Market Authority (ACM) has drawn up rules for sustainability claims that companies use when selling their products and services. The ACM aims to ensure that companies provide consumers with good and co...

Feed to Food, BOON sausage rolls from field beans

22 September 2020

The Dutch company BOON develops vegetable food products made from, the name says it all, beans. They not only look at the possibilities to make a tasty product of it. The innovation team is continuously studying differen...

#zokanhetook reaches 9 million Dutch people

22 September 2020

In its first year, consumer platform #zokanhetook inspired more than half of all Dutch people to make more vegetable choices. The platform offers consumers a perspective on how to act, including product and recipe inspir...

Ingredient lists still aren’t clear enough

22 September 2020

Many food and beverage products do not offer the clear labelling that consumers want, according to new research. In a survey of 1,000 adults in the UK and USA, commissioned by Ingredient Communications and conducted b...

Farm Frites’ Living Nature Wall is open for bees

21 September 2020

Inspanningen om een “groenere” planeet te creëren, worden vrij letterlijk genomen door Farm Frites. Bijen en andere insecten zijn van cruciaal belang voor het bestuiven van gewassen en wilde bloemen. Daarom heeft het bed...

More variety in meat substitutes in demand

21 September 2020

In March, Distrifood reported that sales of meat substitutes never grew as much as in 2019. Data and research agency Nielsen calculated a growth of 30%. This trend, which will continue, will also lead to the demand for a...

French government works on eco-footprint label

21 September 2020

The new French Minister for 'ecological transition', Barbara Pompili, together with her colleagues from agriculture and finance, is launching a study on labelling the environmental footprint of food products. The aim is ...

Vegetable wraps made with 35 percent vegetables

18 September 2020

Uit onderzoek van het Voedingscentrum blijkt dat de Nederlandse consument gemiddeld 131 gram groente per dag eet. De aanbevolen hoeveelheid is 250 gram. Knorr wil laten zien dat dit op meerdere eetmomenten van de dag mog...

New vegan alternatives to cheese

18 September 2020

Onder de naam This is Not Parmesan en This is Not Classic Cream Cheese, introduceert plantaardige kaasmaker Willicroft twee nieuwe veganistische alternatieven voor kaas. De producten zijn te koop bij Picnic, Crisp en via...

Plantbased private label concepts

16 September 2020

Het Giessense familiebedrijf Schouten Europe, dat zich in 1990 als eerste Nederlandse partij ging toeleggen op het ontwikkelen en produceren van plant-based protein producten, gaat zich de komende jaren focussen op priva...