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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Sustainable and innovative ME-AT

16 September 2020

ME-AT wakkert de transitie naar een duurzamere voedingsindustrie aan door zich te richten op innovatie en duurzaamheid. Het assortiment bestaat uit plantaardige burgers, gehakt, schnitzels, kipstukjes, spekjes en worstje...

LikeMeat: New player on the Dutch market

15 September 2020

LikeMeat GmbH, in 2013 opgericht in Duitsland, wordt nog steeds beschouwd als een pionier in de productie van vleesvervangers. Sinds maart 2020 maakt LikeMeat deel uit van The LIVEKINDLY co. onder leiding van CEO Tal Nad...

The Blue Butcher

15 September 2020

Als vleesliefhebber hoef je niks te missen als je een dag geen vlees eet. Stel je voor dat je een heerlijke Amerikaanse burger kunt eten, die precies smaakt zoals jij hem graag wil hebben, maar dan zonder vlees! The Blue...

Discovery tours

14 September 2020

'Nothing new under the sun', was what I thought in June, at the start of my summer vacation. The corona crisis quietly muddled on. No big trip to unknown places. No unexpected encounters or new mountain hiking routes, no...

Benus: 'Bug breeding: an industry with lots of potential'

14 September 2020

Bug breeding for the food industry "will certainly grow", but there are still some bumps ahead: legislation, consumer acceptance and further automation. There is also a lack of knowledge sharing and cooperation in the ch...

New proteins, what are they worth?

14 September 2020

Proteins: we cannot do without them. But how well are new proteins capable of covering our nutritional needs, and what about when they have undergone all kinds of processing? Protein is an essential macronutrient in o...

The growth potential of the protein transition

14 September 2020

Agriculture and livestock farming are responsible for a substantial part of our impact on the environment: globally, these sectors account for some 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (FAO, 2016). In order to meet the climat...

The right machine for every operation

14 September 2020

Meat substitutes and other plant-based products (such as substitutes for cheese and other milk products) are on the rise. Sismatec process & packaging solutions sees this as an enormous growth market and can put its ...

Vegetarian: mainstream or niche?

14 September 2020

momentum. It's starting, because more than $1,000 billion a year is still sold on meat worldwide. Market researchers predict that meat sales will rise to 1,200 billion in the coming years; for vegetarian, they expect an ...

Proteins can change the world

14 September 2020

To keep our bodies going we need nutrients: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Two of these macro nutrients: the (satured) fats and carbohydrates (starch and sugars), have been under attack for decades, because they are a...

New packaging solutions for plant-based

14 September 2020

The development, production, packaging and marketing of plant-based food is an inspiring and dynamic process. The North American company Reiser supports companies that sell their vegetable meat substitutes worldwide, say...

Saving time with new high-speed doors at Beko

14 September 2020

The functionality of doors is underestimated, experts in the food industry know this. When building a conditioned room, Beko Groothandel therefore made an analysis of the new doors to be used.  Nothing is produce...

Pioneering innovation: antiviral (wall) panels

14 September 2020

Forget mdf, plywood or chipboard! Discover Sealwise WCB; circular and fully waterproof panels made of recycled PVC. Sealwise WCB, because that's the name of the material, has a number of special properties, of which t...

Naar 50% minder vleesproductie in 2030

14 September 2020

Stegeman, het Nederlandse merk van de Sigma Food Group wil de negatieve milieu-impact van de vleesindustrie verkleinen en streeft naar 50% minder vleesproductie in 2030. Het bedrijf streeft naar het verkleinen van de mil...

Minder verspilling tijdens lockdown

14 September 2020

Een kwart van Nederlandse consumenten verspilde minder voedsel tijdens de covid-19 lockdown. Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek onder 1500 consumenten, uitgevoerd door Wageningen Food & Biobased Research en het Voedingscen...