The New Plant opts for sustainability: MULTIVAC
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The New Plant opts for sustainability: MULTIVAC

  • 12 October 2021

The New Plant operates two packaging lines, equipped with robots and a labelling and marking system. MULTIVAC's two smart thermoformers are able to produce effectively: "By using robots, the production process is less labour-intensive, there is good hygiene and a steady speed is guaranteed. The process is less prone to errors and we have reduced the use of packaging material by at least 50%," says Adriaan Figee, managing director of The New Plant. An example of intensive cooperation, decisiveness, sustainable thinking and doing. 


"By using the materials and the way of packaging more effectively, fewer cargo movements are needed. So less fuel consumption and emissions. A win-win situation. A lot of money, time and energy has been invested in the engineering. We have encouraged each other in this, because the thermoform machines are built for the future.  They have been developed in such a way that interim adjustments, for example due to a changing market, are possible. A one-time construction for long-term enjoyment. They can last for decades."


The New Plant about the cooperation with MULTIVAC: "We know and like each other. If there are technical problems/questions, they are there for you immediately. I often hear, 'The answer is yes, what is your question?' That is exactly what MULTIVAC is all about. And we appreciate that."

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