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Health effects of organic food on pigs

Scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU), and the Louis Bolk Institute (LBI) have initiated a large-scale study to investigate the effects of organic food on pig health. This re..

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Brave New Food: "We want to connect, accelerate, innovate"

08 February 2021

The transition to more sustainable and healthier food, to minimize climate change and pressure on healthcare, must accelerate. That's what the founders of the new platform Brave New Food believe. They want to boost that ...

Plantbased: A 'sexy' market area, full of innovations

08 February 2021

Producers of plant-based meat replacements have the wind in their sails. Consumer demand is growing, research at universities and R&D departments is yielding new techniques and products, and the government is stimula...

The smart food factory of the future

08 February 2021

The resources we have at our disposal to feed the world are limited. How can new chip and digital technologies contribute to a society where everyone in the Netherlands has access to healthy and sustainably produced food...

The national protein strategy

08 February 2021

In 2018, the European Commission asked all member states to shape a national protein strategy to become less dependent on import flows as a European Union. In December, the Dutch version, the National Protein Strategy (N...

RedStar takes significant step in reducing plastic

08 February 2021

Tomato specialist RedStar has succeeded in further reducing the amount of plastic used for supermarket packaging. By expanding a special production line, even more tomatoes can now be packed: in thin plastic trays instea...

Structure plant protein matrices

08 February 2021

Taste perception is a complex interplay between several factors, from what your senses perceive and previous experiences. The expectation for meat substitutes is therefore high: consumers who decide to eat less meat want...

From fish waste to food

08 February 2021

The German Lipromar GmbH is an innovative initiative started in 2010. At this plant, the company extracts fish oil and protein for human consumption from fish heads, bones and trimmings. The product quality is high, clai...

future-proof and foodsafe disinfection

08 February 2021

The Nocotech disinfection system has been used successfully in the fish and meat industry for many years. In recent months there has also been a lot of demand from the meat replacement market. Large production companies ...

Transparency about environmental impact

08 February 2021

Late last year, Azura Group became the first tomato producer and supermarket supplier to achieve carbon neutrality for all its operations; from the farm to the consumer's plate. In March 2021, this will also be visible t...

100% herbruikbaar plastic op basis van natuurlijk molecuul

08 February 2021

Groningse en Chinese wetenschappers van het Feringa Nobel Prize Scientist Joint Research Center, een gezamenlijk project van de RUG en de East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), hebben van het natuurlijk...

New technology recycles entire cardboard beverage containers

05 February 2021

Recon Polymers BV, a sustainable startup based in Roosendaal, the Netherlands, has introduced a new technological solution for recycling all components from cardboard beverage containers. The innovative method makes it p...

Deposit on cans from 2023

04 February 2021

A deposit on cans will be introduced on 31 December 2022. This is what State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven of Infrastructure and Water Management writes in a letter to the Lower House. She is taking the decision early...

Policy healthy food environment can be much better

02 February 2021

The Dutch national government is missing opportunities when it comes to a healthy food environment: an environment that makes it easy for people to make healthy food choices. This is evident from research conducted by Ut...

Students help horticulturists with circular future

02 February 2021

Students of De Haagse Hogeschool will start a project in February 2021 with an important mission: to realize a sustainable and circular future. The Knowledge Centre Mission Zero of De Haagse Hogeschool, the municipality ...

Global center for food innovation comes to the Netherlands

28 January 2021

The Netherlands is going to be the center for global food innovation with the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) in Wageningen. Prime Minister Rutte announced this during a digital meeting of the World Economic Forum ...