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Health effects of organic food on pigs

Scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU), and the Louis Bolk Institute (LBI) have initiated a large-scale study to investigate the effects of organic food on pig health. This re..

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Adding value to food waste streams

27 January 2021

The World Bank predicts that global waste production will increase by more than 70% to 3.4 billion tons by 2050. According to the Circularity Gap Report 2020, only 8.6% of this will be returned to the economy. Reducing w...

Beyond Meat and PepsiCo team up to develop plant-based snacks

27 January 2021

Beyond Meat is teaming up with PepsiCo, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies, to develop, produce and market innovative snack and beverage products made from plant-based protein. The partnership will al...

Earning capacity by more sustainable food production

25 January 2021

A broad coalition wants to contribute to a more-sustainable global food system, while simultaneously increasing the Netherlands earning capacity in an environmentally-sustainable way with FoodSwitch: a food-chain acceler...

Vegamonitor: Less people see themselves as carnivores

25 January 2021

Fewer and fewer people see themselves purely as meat eaters. 55% of Dutch people typify themselves this way, which was 59% the year before. Almost 34% of households intend to eat less meat by 2021. 31% of the Dutch say t...

WUR: Food and agricultural systems should be reformed

25 January 2021

Problems with food and agricultural systems have been widespread and severe since long before COVID-19 appeared. Not only is 8% of the world's population undernourished; an increasing number is overweight. The environmen...

ProVeg in action against plant-based dairy censorship

25 January 2021

The European Union wants to censor plant-based alternatives to dairy. Even the word 'dairy-free' may soon be prohibited. ProVeg takes action against Amendment 171. ProVeg launched a petition, calling on the European C...

Van Veldhoven: Time for a circular economy law

22 January 2021

The Netherlands is ready for the next step on the road to a circular economy. The basis has been laid. Less raw materials are being used per product, but the use of raw materials in total is not yet decreasing. It is tim...

Albert Heijn expands 'Better for' programs

21 January 2021

Albert Heijn will make the pork production chain more sustainable and transparent. Together with pig farmers and meat processor Vion, the supermarket chain is starting a multi-year program; 'Better for Pig, Nature and Fa...

A sweet world without waste with banana sweetener

21 January 2021

Fooditive BV and Frutco AG enter into a partnership to bring the Fooditive® banana sweetener line to Europe. The banana sweetener line is a continuous fermentation plant that processes by-products from banana proces...

Shelf life indicator 'Keep-it' combats food waste

19 January 2021

Research by meal box supplier HelloFresh shows that one in five Dutch people will have wasted more food in 2020 than in previous years, because they often do not know how food can best be stored. Together with the Wageni...

Schouten introduces 100% plant based tuna: TuNo

19 January 2021

Schouten Europe B.V. will introduce a fully vegetable tuna in January 2021. Under the name 'TuNo' the product will be presented to interested parties in the coming period. Vegetable tuna can play an important role in the...

Awareness joins Schuttelaar & Partners

19 January 2021

Awareness, consultancy for policy marketing, becomes part of the communication consultancy Schuttelaar & Partners as of January 1, 2021. The integrated company comprises 90 employees working from offices in The Hague...

Circular Food Center: world example in tackling food waste

18 January 2021

In 2021 a European knowledge and meeting center in the field of food waste will open in the municipality of Meierijstad: the Circular Food Center. Initiators Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Together Against Food Waste Fo...

Ojah: quality meat alternatives with Plenti ProFiber

15 January 2021

Dutch manufacturer Ojah BV. has launched its newest high moisture texture, Plenti ProFiber™, enabling food manufacturers to develop and produce plant-based alternatives or hybrid products with their existing machinery. ...

Transition Time! A Circular Economy for Plastics

15 January 2021

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) wants to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastics. An integral approach aimed at groundbreaking innovation and cooperation is necessary now. Primarily bec...