North Holland supports 3 initiatives for local food
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North Holland supports 3 initiatives for local food

  • 21 April 2022

The Province of Noord-Holland finds it important that more people eat food from their own region. To encourage this, the province organised a challenge that is part of the implementation agenda of Voedsel Verbindt (Food Connects). Three initiators received a cheque of 15,000 euros to carry out their project further.

Ilse Zaal, member of the Provincial Executive for Agriculture: "By 2030, we want 25% of our food to come from the region and to achieve this, initiatives from the community are extremely important. 25 initiatives from Noord-Holland and Flevoland have registered. We do not only reward the best three, but we also pull up the net to see what parties are working on. For a number of initiatives, we already see opportunities to link them to other projects."

The winners

Vers aan de Vecht (Fresh at the Vecht)
An initiative by a group of people who are looking for an alternative to the existing food industry and want to grow their own food and keep animals. Sustainable, local, animal-friendly and with respect for nature. They have started a vegetable picking garden. In the garden, a group of 100 harvesters pick their own vegetables every week. Vers aan de Vecht uses the prize money to serve more harvest participants and to inspire many more people through education and their podcast.

Short chain from the heart
In Haarlem, an initiative was started to connect farmers and artisanal producers from the region with inhabitants. This initiative with a Neighbourhood Farm in the city appears to be successful. Many links in the chain are involved: city food producers, farmers, care institutions and citizens. Based on the conviction that everyone should be able to participate, the project wants to involve people with a disability more. Each from his or her own talent. To this end, the project is collaborating with the Hartekamp group, where clients already run a bakery. In addition, the project wants to set up more neighbourhood points and attract more consumers and producers from the region.

Buy Bio Locally
The BIO-NH association connects organic entrepreneurs in North Holland, both farmers and shops and small production companies. The association is the point of contact for various interested parties. With the prize money, the association can further professionalise and improve its means of communication in order to better promote the beautiful products of organic growers in North Holland. The jury also sees opportunities for a link to the Voedsel Verbindt App.

Source: Provincie Noord-Holland