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Recycold® has developed recyclable one-way cool packs and transport boxes that are 100% eco-friendly, 100% food safe and 100% temperature-controlled. Food is currently the biggest source of online growth. However, in view of the low margins of food compared with non-food products, there is huge pressure to optimise the cost-intensive ‘last mile’ while also complying with HACCP guidelines. Thanks to Recycold®, suddenly every ambient transport network (i.e. PostNL, DHL, etc.) and every ambient storage location can serve as a more efficient online distribution channel. Recycold® now puts every Dutch consumer and even every European citizen within affordable reach for food and medicine producers on the continent.
Watch the YouTube Video: ‘Cool has never been So Cool’
Source: © Recycold
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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