Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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PHT uses Augmented Reality

22 November 2018

PHT-Benelux laat zien hoe hygiëne volledig kan worden geïntegreerd in het operationele proces met behulp van innovatieve en hygiënische oplossingen van de merken ITEC Hygienetechnik en Foamico. PHT-Benelux biedt voor...

Data, insight, and return

13 November 2018

A state of the art slaughterhouse was established in IJsselstein in 2015. With this sophisticated company, Westfort Meat Products builds on a long history in pork meat. With a vision of the future aimed at growth, return...

Lab meat: meat from a test-tube

13 November 2018

Five years ago in London, Mark Post, pharmacologist and professor in the vascular physiology at Maastricht University, and his team were the first to demonstrate in vitro meat. The costs: 250,000 Euros for an in vitro bu...

Estrategy works on transparency

13 November 2018

The consumer's need to know more about the source and authenticity of the products he eats and drinks leads to a demand for an enormous amount of data: from the manufacturer to his supplier as well as to the retail/consu...

Robotisation: The future never ends

13 November 2018

We raken al gewend aan termen als industrie 4.0, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, virtual en augmented reality. Maar kennen we ook de werkelijke betekenissen? Weet u wat de impact ervan is op uw bed...

NDI launches Sustainability Codex

24 October 2018

De Sustainability Codex is gebaseerd op Blockchain-technologie om de veiligheid van het platform te waarborgen, de transparantie te verzekeren en het is een open database die gratis beschikbaar is voor elke organisatie, ...

Jumbo, food and soccer

08 October 2018

On 8 November Food Industry Experts launches its first knowledge event. This annual event is exclusively for entrepreneurs of food producing companies. Be inspired this year by Björn Kuipers; supermarket entrepreneur ...

Overzicht in- en verkoopcontracten

05 October 2018

Bent u soms het overzicht kwijt van uw lopende inkoop- en verkoopcontracten? Wordt er geboekt op verkeerde contracten? Weet u altijd hoeveel u nog op een contract kunt boeken? Mist u bij ordergave inzicht in actieve cont...

GS1 DatakwaliTijd 2.0: hard consequences

18 September 2018

After frequent encouragement, the curtain has fallen on GS1 Data Source for some fifty suppliers in the food and drugstore sector. They are the first companies to be excluded from the database because they do not meet th...

DatakwaliTijd 2.0: consequences for suppliers

12 June 2018

The companies in the GS1 board are clear: there is confusion about the slow progression of the DatakwaliTijd 2.0 programme. After all, its success is in the interest of both retail and industry. However, not all supplier...

Tracing based on the blockchain

08 May 2018

Bureau Veritas is launching Origin, a tracing label for the entire course taken by a foodstuff, from farm to table. This solution was presented in Tokyo on 5 March 2018 to an international audience during the Global Food...

Production automation at Zwanenberg Oss

08 May 2018

After Zwanenberg Food Group acquired the Unilever factory in Oss, there was a need for new automation. The current Unilever system had to be replaced quickly. Due to the good experiences other locations had had with the ...

Smart quality managers opt for automation

11 December 2017

More and more companies are replacing their paper-based systems with online ones. Automation is a hotter topic than ever before. And yet, in the food industry, quality departments have so far tended to lag behind. Howeve...

FuiteVeal: automation is not hard

14 November 2017

The Fuite family, which has owned and run a feed mix factory and a milk factory in Genemuiden and Kampen for the past 110 years, has also opened its own slaughterhouse under the FuiteVeal name in Almere. The FOBIS automa...

Prestigious project Ameco completed

14 November 2017

Ameco set itself the ambitious target of building a completely new slaughterhouse within the space of 13 months. By May of this year, the steel framework at the site on the Ecofactorij business park in Apeldoorn was 95% ...