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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Record participation in the Meat & Dairy-Free Week

04 April 2024

An impressive 20% of the Dutch population participated in the seventh edition of the National Meat & Dairy-Free Week, which took place in 2024 from March 4th to 10th. With a record number of 2.8 million participants,...

Protein Monitor: meat and dairy still favourites

02 April 2024

Dutch consumers continue to favour meat and dairy, as recent research indicates. Wageningen Economic Research conducted the first Protein Monitor on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). T...

Dutch Supermarkets chart the course of the protein transition

29 March 2024

Dutch supermarkets have taken a significant step in the protein transition. For the first time, they have collectively published the ratio of plant-based to animal proteins in their sold products. This survey reveals tha...

49% of Dutch cut back on meat consumption

27 March 2024

Recent data shows that nearly half of Dutch meat eaters have reduced their meat consumption in the past year. This was revealed in a study conducted by ProVeg International, in collaboration with Innova Market Insights, ...

Nine food brands embrace vegetarian choices

26 March 2024

Nine leading brands have made a decisive move to make their recipes predominantly vegetarian or vegan. This shift marks a significant change in how food producers approach the Dutch consumer, signaling a step closer to a...

Meatable cuts cultivated meat production time in half

25 March 2024

Meatable has achieved a breakthrough in meat cultivation technology. This development promises to halve production time and reduce costs, marking a significant step forward in the commercialization of cultivated meat. ...

New dairy trend: Kerry launches hybrid dairy-oat range

22 March 2024

Kerry Dairy Consumer Foods is bringing a fresh impulse to the dairy market with the introduction of Smug Dairy, a new chilled brand line that combines dairy and oats. This move is seen as a first in its category in the U...

Jumbo to cease meat promotions

15 March 2024

The Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo has announced it will cease meat promotions across all its stores and online. This initiative signals a significant shift in the supermarket landscape. It forms part of Jumbo's strategy ...

Schouten makes meat alternatives with mycoprotein

12 March 2024

Schouten Europe introduces mycoprotein as the new base for its range of meat substitutes. This move aligns with their commitment to producing nutritious, minimally processed products with a low environmental footprint. ...

Dutch protein transition: A growing economic force

08 March 2024

The Dutch food industry is experiencing notable growth, particularly in the protein transition sector. With over 425 companies and institutions actively engaged, the annual production value reaches an impressive €881 mil...

introduce new series cross-web labellers

07 March 2024

MULTIVAC is set to unveil its new CL 1 series cross-web labellers at Anuga FoodTec. Designed for compact thermoforming packaging machines, these labellers can be integrated into both new and existing machines. Featuring ...

99% circular nutrition achievable by 2030

07 March 2024

A recent study by Van Hall Larenstein and NIZO Food Research reveals that significant reduction of the carbon footprint in the food processing industry is possible. Researchers Peter de Jong, Franciska Woudstra-van Lune,...

CBS: In 2023, 25% of main meals were vegetarian

06 March 2024

In 2023, a quarter of all main meals eaten in the Netherlands were vegetarian, as revealed by the CBS Health Survey/Lifestyle Monitor 2023. This shift in dietary preferences indicates a growing trend towards plant-based ...

63% of the Dutch are done with 'meat police'

06 March 2024

The National Week Without Meat & Dairy finds itself at the heart of an increasingly sharp and divided public opinion. A significant 63% of Dutch citizens firmly oppose what they perceive as the 'meat police'. This 'm...

Processed foods: Time for an honest discussion

05 March 2024

The Dutch food industry faces a challenge in creating a balanced discussion about processed foods. Jaap Seidell, Professor of Nutrition and Health at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, has recently highlighted the potenti...