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Insects as chicken feed: Innovation in the poultry sector

Breeding insects on by-products from the food industry offers a sustainable solution for feed production in the poultry sector, concludes the InsectFeed project led by Wageningen University & Research. The research s..

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Op bezoek bij Nutricontrol

24 November 2015

Op donderdag 5 november waren we met een groep OSV-ers welkom bij NutriControl in Veghel. Na een presentatie van Wim-Peter van Panhuis zijn we de diverse laboratoria ingedoken. Een bijzondere reis langs pipetjes en reage...

Easy-to-clean sampling system

08 September 2015

The demands placed on the hygienic production of high-end food and pharma products are increasing, and so too is the demand for easy-to-clean and contamination-free sampling systems. In response to these demands, Dinniss...

Checks are always necessary

08 September 2015

Many dog and cat owners would rather they themselves get food poisoning than their pet. After all, animals can’t tell you what’s wrong with them. That’s why pet food is subject to thorough checks, from the raw materials ...

The future of meat

08 September 2015

The ‘International Congress of Meat Science and Technology’ is an annual scientific congress where around 430 delegates from the worlds of science and business exchange knowledge on the current state of the meat industry...

Which packaging film do you need for meat?

12 May 2015

Packaging of meat has several functions: it contains the product, protects the meat against deteriorative effects, prevents the meat from becoming contaminated or dehydrated, extends the shelf life, provides space for la...

The EnRichMar Project

14 April 2015

Consumers are increasingly searching for food products with either natural ingredients or bioactive ingredients so that they can improve their health or even avoid diseases. The market for such products is growing rapidl...

Trends, bottlenecks and visions of the future

10 March 2015

Clean label, reformulations, organic, allergen-free, sustainability: the food industry cannot afford to ignore these topics. This article features contributions from five food manufacturers who talk about their approach,...

Testmethoden tegen fraude met komijn

10 March 2015

Met de recente terugroepingen in Groot-Brittanië van gemalen komijn door de FSA (Food Standards Agency) vanwege het aantreffen van ongeëtiketteerd pinda-eiwit, staat voedselfraude weer hoog op de agenda. Om merken van pr...

Fermentation technologies

10 March 2015

One consumer trend with significant impact on the food industry is ‘all natural’, and this trend is closely connected to the globally felt necessity to improve the sustainability of food production. Which technological p...

Older people: a growing target group

18 November 2014

Scientists from Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research recently studied the role of emotion in older people’s mealtime experiences. Their findings provide product developers and marketing professionals with tools to ...

Expertise desk in Ede

14 October 2014

Marcel Mérieux was the founder of Institut Mérieux in 1897, and a pupil of Louis Pasteur. Nowadays, with the fourth generation of Mérieux at the helm, the company is still a unique family business which has built its suc...

Successful reformulation!

14 October 2014

NIZO food research is one of the world’s most advanced independent contract research companies. It helps manufacturers of food and raw materials to make (even) better products and boost their profitability. NIZO is inter...

Carbohydrates: polymeric possibilities

14 October 2014

In order to ensure that food products on shelves are both healthy and of a consistently high quality, Prof Dr Henk Schols conducts research into the structure of individual carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in our food pro...

International sharing of knowledge meat technology

14 October 2014

All meat scientists over the world were invited to attend the annual International Congress of Meat Science and Technology to present and discuss their progress on scientific meat research. This year nearly 400 scientist...

Snel en betrouwbaar

09 September 2014

Minimaliseren van microbiologische risico’s? Controle krijgen over de fysische eigenschappen van uw product zoals textuur, kleur, smaak en voedingswaarden? Het meten van wateractiviteit (Aw-waarde) met meetinstrumenten v...