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Million-euro grant for research on pathogens in plant-based products

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research have received a grant of one million euros through the international platform Plant2Food. This funding is intended for a study on pathogens in plant-based products. The..

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Improvement of the structure of plant-based proteins

10 September 2019

An increased awareness of sustainability, concern over the climate and personal health are drivers for the replacement of animal proteins with plant-based proteins, and the development of new products. Challenging, since...

Controlling Listeria

07 May 2019

Products are increasingly being recalled from the market due to a Listeria contamination. Data from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) shows that the number of cases of listeriosis is al...

How can you create a fibrous structure?

09 April 2019

It is a challenge for production companies to make high-protein foodstuffs, such as vegetarian products, that have a fibrous structure. Apart from the used proteins and other ingredients, the technology that is used has ...

Herformulering; textuur grootse uitdaging

09 April 2019

Op donderdag 4 april zijn zo’n tachtig professionals uit de bakkerij- en zoetwarenbranche samengekomen voor de workshop Food Reformulation. Martijn Noort, herformuleringexpert bij de WUR: “De sleutel voor succesvol herfo...

Intestinal flora healthier due to waste streams

14 February 2019

According to research by Carlota Bussolo de Souza, residual flows from the food industry appear to be very suitable for making the intestinal flora of obese people healthier. Fruit and vegetable peelings contain fibres t...

Preventieakkoord ook voor levensmiddelen

03 December 2018

Het Nationaal Preventieakkoord, is door Marian Geluk ondertekend namens de Nederlandse levensmiddelenindustrie. De levensmiddelensector committeert zich met deze handtekening aan concrete maatregelen om minder calorieën ...

Lab meat: meat from a test-tube

13 November 2018

Five years ago in London, Mark Post, pharmacologist and professor in the vascular physiology at Maastricht University, and his team were the first to demonstrate in vitro meat. The costs: 250,000 Euros for an in vitro bu...

Looking for functional proteins

13 November 2018

Product developers of food producing companies are continuously looking for new flavors, unique textures and solutions to improve the product structure. The use of proteins can provide solution to these challenges. Prote...

Fish events & trends

13 November 2018

Important events Heavy metals: 149 +39% vs. 2016 Mercury in swordfish from Spain 47 events (-13%) Mercury in shark form Spain 24 events (+380%) Mercury in swordfish from Vietna...

TiFN delivers 200 PhD’s in food sector

16 October 2018

12 oktober 2018 slaagde TiFN haar 200ste promovendus kandidaad. Mariya Tarazanova is, net als al deze jonge innovatoren, opgeleid om de kloof tussen wetenschap en industrie te overbruggen. Het proefschrift dat Mariya Tar...

Yuck, disgusting!

09 October 2018

A customer calls about a problem: 'It's possible that a small amount of hydrochloric acid entered our production process during cleaning activities. We cannot be sure. What do we have to do?'. Certified Institutions (...

Meat in a healthy diet

11 September 2018

The consumption of (red) meat and meat products is often under debate. Points of discussion are “not sustainable” (high CO2 emission) and not healthy (increased risk of colorectal cancer). But meat also has good nutritio...

Slecht in water oplosbare plantaardige eiwitten

14 August 2018

NIZO food research heeft een eerste stap gezet om inzicht te krijgen bij het stabiliseren van emulsies, zoals plantaardige eiwitten die niet oplossen in water. Tijdens deze studie volgen wetenschappers een individueel de...

Clean label and improving shelf life

08 May 2018

Consumers are demanding for healthier foods: food that is guaranteed to be food safe and have a clean label. Preventing food waste is high on the priority list as well, which is almost diametrically opposed to ...

Sharper focus on Listeria monocytogenes

08 May 2018

The NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) established new guidelines in the updated information sheet 85 for controlling the growth of hazardous micro-organisms during the shelf-life period. It is...