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Insects as chicken feed: Innovation in the poultry sector

Breeding insects on by-products from the food industry offers a sustainable solution for feed production in the poultry sector, concludes the InsectFeed project led by Wageningen University & Research. The research s..

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Food preservation methods

06 March 2017

The discovery that food could be preserved for long periods of time was truly revolutionary! It enabled humans to travel and to survive harsh winters and food shortages. Heating, freezing, drying, pickling, fermenting an...

Twintig oplossingen voor de food branche

10 January 2017

De wereldbevolking groeit, het klimaat staat onder druk. Betaalbare gezonde voeding is het wereldvraagstuk van de toekomst. Aan de ene kant zie je grote bedrijven die betaalbare voeding voor de massa produceren. Die zijn...

Decay of vacuum-packed fresh meat

14 November 2016

Vacuum packaging protects meat against contamination during storage and transport, and slows down microbiological spoilage. By also gradually reducing the temperature during transport, it is possible to keep the meat mic...

‘The problem is, you can’t see it'

14 November 2016

Everything can go without a hitch for years: low microbiological values, passing ATP tests with flying colours...until an unexpected outbreak of microorganisms occurs. This is a sign of the presence of biofilm, an invisi...

The plant-based protein market

11 October 2016

The Green Protein Alliance wants to significantly boost the consumption of plant-based proteins. That is not only better for humans and the environment, but also opens up new market opportunities, according to the partic...

Avoid recalls: dot the i’s and cross the t’s

13 September 2016

Safeguarding food safety remains high on social and political agendas. The maximum penalties that can be imposed on fraudulent food companies have been raised considerably and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Sa...

Uninvited guests: Toxoplasma gondii

10 May 2016

Virtually all organisms, including humans, can carry parasites: worms, fleas, lice, ticks. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses worldwide and it can have severe consequences for pregnant women i...

Gemakkelijk en gezond

12 April 2016

AkzoNobel (IFFA stand 4.1-A40) heeft een breed scala aan zouten voor de vleesindustrie. Suprasel® zout, verrijkt met jodium, helpt het voorkomen van jodiumtekort. Aangevuld met nitriet is het ideaal om de houdbaarheid en...

Help: an E number!

12 April 2016

The use of additives in the manufacture of food and beverage products is a continuing source of tension: consumers want their products to contain as few additives as possible, manufacturers cannot simply leave them all o...

Nitrites in meat products. Can we lower the ingoing amounts?

09 February 2016

Sodium nitrite is an additive that is used, among other things, to enable the food-safe storage of meat products. Research into organic meat products has revealed that nitrites can actually be added in smaller quantities...

Personalised nutrition and health

09 February 2016

Imagine: upon entering the company canteen with your Google colleagues, your smartphone automatically guides you to the counter serving the products that are the healthiest for you personally that day. During a conferenc...

Strong variations in food perception

24 November 2015

“Better insight into the factors that affect food perception in active senior citizens will help us to develop new food products that support a healthy diet for older people,” says Dr Esmée Doets, Researcher into Consume...

Meat and health

24 November 2015

The International Congress of Meat Science and Technology is an annual, global conference where around 430 delegates from the worlds of science and business come together to share knowledge and discuss scientific and t...

Accupoint advanced ATP system

24 November 2015

The newly launched AccuPoint Advanced hygiene monitoring system offers state-of-the-art samplers, a simple to use and accurate reader and new Data Manager software. AccuPoint effectively detects adenosine triphosphate (A...

Microbiological and chemical research

24 November 2015

Mérieux NutriSciences is a frontrunner in microbiological research for the food industry with an international network used by food processing companies all over the world. Mérieux NutriSciences is present in 20 count...