Protein transition
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Red Band maker Cloetta waves gelatin goodbye

Cloetta, known for brands like Red Band, Venco, and Sportlife, is taking steps toward vegan products to reduce its carbon footprint. This shift aligns with the growing demand for plant-based options and the company's sus..

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UMC Utrecht does allergy tests with novel foods

19 April 2022

UMC Utrecht will coordinate an international study that will develop methods to assess the allergic potential of so-called "novel foods" (such as insect burgers). The food allergy research project is called 'Allergenicit...

EC rejects proposal to promote European plant-based food

15 April 2022

The European Commission (EC) is again allocating €38.1 million to the promotion of animal products under the scheme for information provision and promotion for agricultural products. The Green Protein Alliance (GPA) subm...

Price gap meat and meat substitutes is shrinking

12 April 2022

The price differences between animal and vegetable products are becoming smaller. Some vegetable products are even cheaper than their animal counterparts. This appears from research by Questionmark on behalf of ProVeg. I...

36% of the Dutch eat meat substitutes every week

22 March 2022

The level of meat consumption continues to decline. One in three Dutch people (35%) say they eat less meat now than they did 12 months ago. Familiarity with meat substitutes remains extremely high, with 94% of the Dutch ...

Vivera launches vegetable salmon fillet

02 March 2022

Vivera launches 'the first tasty vegetable salmon fillet in Europe'. The fillet has a fatty bite and falls apart like a real salmon due to its flaky structure. By introducing the fish substitute, Vivera wants to offer a ...

Third insect approved as food

14 February 2022

On 10 February 2022, the European Commission has authorised the placing on the market of a third insect, Acheta domesticus (house cricket), as a food. The term ‘house cricket’ refers to the adult of Acheta domesticus,...

TOP-BV invests in a vegan egg alternative

11 February 2022

Protein transition and veganism are here to stay. Therefore TOP-BV is investing in the coming period in the development of ingredients, products and systems to create a vegan alternative to the egg. The expectation is to...

3D printed protein paste mimics animal fat

10 February 2022

In the search for the perfect vegetarian burger or steak, fat plays a major role. The animal fat in meat has a certain creaminess and mouth feel that seems difficult to replace. Researchers at Wageningen University &...

Edwin Bark: "The sweetspot lies with diehard carnivores"

07 February 2022

It has been done: making vegetable meat with the structure of a bavette, including blood, fat and muscle tissue. If you want to taste the vegan steak from the Israeli start-up Redefine Meat, you still have to go to a top...

Ÿnfabre: The first industrial plan for insect breeding

02 February 2022

ŸNFABRE is the first industrial genetic selection programme for large-scale insect breeders. The programme is designed to provide concrete answers to food safety challenges and to alleviate environmental pressures in lin...

X-rays will make plant diets of the future more tasty

27 January 2022

X-rays can be used to examine the tiniest parts of food and provide us with fresh knowledge about what makes yogurt feel soft and what it takes for chocolate to have just the right snap. According to researchers at the U...

WHO warns: plant-based often unhealthy

18 January 2022

Whether for health reasons or concerns about the environment, eating less or no meat is becoming more popular around the globe. But as a new WHO/Europe factsheet points out, some plant-based meat and dairy substitutes ma...

A plant-based diet can provide twice the CO₂ gain

11 January 2022

We can remove almost 100 billion tonnes of CO₂ from the atmosphere before the century is out. That is, if high-income countries switch to a plant-based diet. Returning farmland to its original state for cattle breeding d...

National Week Without Meat adds '& Dairy' in 2022

04 January 2022

From 7-13 March 2022, the fifth edition of the National Week Without Meat will take place in the Netherlands. New in 2022 is the addition of '& Dairy'. During the National Week Without Meat & Dairy 2022, particip...

Protein transition: a promising export market

20 December 2021

The protein transition aims to achieve a better balance in the consumption of animal and alternative proteins. A new report examines the ecosystem and the need for Dutch companies to do international business in this sec...