Cause and Effect on Food Safety in the Food Industry
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Column Saskia Stender: Cause and Effect on Food Safety

  • 20 November 2023
  • By: Saskia Stender

In my recent column, I touched on the OSV block at the Food Tech Event 2024. The response was overwhelming, full of excitement! Within the first week, 90% of the block was booked, and requests kept pouring in. The solution? Instead of turning people away, we ambitiously claimed two additional blocks at the fair. We're confident we'll fill these as well.

However, enthusiasm has its drawbacks. Expanding means more responsibilities, and time becomes a precious commodity, a familiar scenario in many food production companies. You're probably experiencing the same: a mounting pile of tasks, high expectations to avoid errors while meeting targets, and early planning for next year. This brings us to a critical issue: food safety.

Hygiene and cleaning are paramount in our industry. These cannot be compromised due to time constraints. Increasingly, I see people succumbing to burnout. The constant pressure, the struggle to balance work and personal life, inevitably leads to consequences. The workload then falls on other team members, increasing their stress levels. When overwhelmed with tasks, it's easy to overlook details, especially those crucial for maintaining food safety.

Stress is a well-known cause of many problems. Let's work together to anticipate its effects and intervene timely to maintain a healthy balance and ensure the safety of our food.

Saskia Stender

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2023