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The 10 most-read articles of June 2024

From energy-saving innovations and sustainable production methods to health warnings and groundbreaking technologies, these are the stories that captured the most attention in June 2024. 1. Schmidt Zeevis invests in t..

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Three food trends for sustainable and healthy eating

02 May 2023

The Belgian food industry wants to develop sustainable food for the future. To achieve this, Fevia, the Belgian food industry federation, organised the Food At Work Ecotrophelia Awards, a competition in which 15 teams of...

SME sustainability grant scheme amended

02 May 2023

The SME Sustainability Grant Scheme (SVM) has been amended and SME entrepreneurs can again apply from now until 30 September 2023 for subsidies to make their businesses more sustainable. Last year's scheme has been impro...

CBS: Economic outlook worsened again

02 May 2023

The economic outlook in the Netherlands deteriorated again in April 2023, according to CBS' Business Cycle Clock. Only 7 out of 13 indicators performed better than their long-term trend.  Consumers were slightly ...

Meat sales in supermarkets fall 7 per cent

02 May 2023

Supermarkets sold seven per cent less meat in 2022 than the previous year, according to an analysis by Wakker Dier based on checkout data. Sales of fresh meat fell by nine per cent and those of processed meats by four pe...

7 major changes in IFS Food version 8

01 May 2023

The new version of the IFS Food standard was published on 18 April 2023. From 1 October 2023, it will be possible for companies to perform audits according to the new version. From 1 January 2024, this will be mandatory....

Waste fund offers free collection system for waste

01 May 2023

The Dutch Waste Fund for Packaging offers companies and social organisations a free collection system to separate plastic packaging, drinks cartons and glass packaging. By doing so, the Waste Fund wants to contribute to ...

Nutri-Score is the new food choice logo in the Netherlands

28 April 2023

Nutri-Score has been legally designated as the new food choice logo in the Netherlands. The logo may be officially used from 1 January 2024. Supermarkets and food manufacturers are expected to take until mid-2024 to put ...

EFSA: low levels of pesticides in EU food

28 April 2023

The latest European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report on pesticide residues in food in the European Union was published on 26 April 2023. The report provides a snapshot of residue levels found in a selection of commonl...

GS1 and JoinData launch location register for agricultural sector

26 April 2023

GS1 Netherlands and JoinData are teaming up to create a single source for organisation and location data of agricultural companies in the Netherlands. This data will be centrally recorded based on GS1 standards, making i...

Compaxo: Processing meat deserves appreciation

25 April 2023

Meat is currently under a magnifying glass. Unfortunately not always in a positive sense. Yet many meat processors continue to put their heart and soul into providing others with a good piece of meat every day. In a clea...

Peka Kroef is ready for the future

25 April 2023

In MULTIVAC's new TX 820, Peka Kroef has found a packaging machine that never misses its mark, where the supply of aluminium trays goes on continuously and labelling is part of the packaging process. With more flexibilit...

5 partners work on affordable meat substitutes

25 April 2023

The REACT-EU development project 'GALATEA', focuses on investing in the development of innovative, affordable and juicy meat substitutes. The aim is to have an innovative prototype production line complete and operationa...

The 'Bio Top 40': organic as the standard

25 April 2023

Replacing conventional products with an organic alternative is the most effective measure to boost the consumption and production of organic. For this reason, on 21 April 2023, Bionext published the 'Bio Top 40': a list ...

Increasingly less food waste in the Netherlands

25 April 2023

Dutch people are wasting less and less food, especially households. Since 2015, we are throwing away 23% less food. In 2022, Dutch people wasted an average of 33.4 kg of food per person at home. But, about a quarter of a...

Netherlands lags behind EU organic farming ambitions

25 April 2023

A coalition of sustainable businesses and interest groups, called the Robin Food Coalition, is joining forces to force a breakthrough for healthy, social, nature-inclusive agriculture in the Netherlands.  How wil...