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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Accelerating the protein transition together

17 June 2024

Join scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR) to explore the exciting possibilities of the protein transition and the future of sustainable food technology. Attend the 3rd Conference on Science and Tech...

Increasing electrification drives innovations

17 June 2024

Production processes need to become more sustainable and should no longer depend on gas only. Both European and national regulations are increasingly pushing for emission-free operations. What are the biggest challenges ...

Column Saskia Stender: Charged up

17 June 2024

Summer is just around the corner, bringing high temperatures and vacation time. While everyone enjoys the sun and days off, the food industry faces additional challenges. How do you keep your production facility in top c...

Dutch hospitals pioneer with 3D printed food

14 June 2024

Two hospitals in Brabant have taken a groundbreaking step in healthcare. Maxima Medical Center in Veldhoven and the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital are now offering 3D printed food to specific patient groups. This initiati...

‘Cultivated meat as an ingredient for plant-based alternatives’

13 June 2024

Cultivated meat companies are shifting their strategies to reduce production costs. "Startups initially aimed to produce real meat without expanding livestock numbers. This was meant to reduce animal suffering and CO2 em...

WHO warns of health risks from ultra-processed foods

13 June 2024

A recent report from the WHO Regional Office for Europe reveals the harmful impact of four major industries on public health in Europe and Central Asia. These sectors, which include tobacco, alcohol, fossil fuels, and ul...

With DKB's products, you score every time

13 June 2024

During the European Football Championship a tasty snack should not be missing, of course. From bitterballen to a croquette sandwich, of course breaded with breadcrumbs from ECS Breadcrumb Industry. Orange breadcrumbs ...

TAPP Coalition: Farmers advocate for meat and dairy levy

12 June 2024

A majority of Dutch livestock farmers support higher VAT rates on meat, dairy, and eggs to ensure better animal welfare and a fair income. This is revealed by a survey of nearly 400 farmers conducted by marketing agency ...

Mandatory cameras in slaughterhouses and collection centers

12 June 2024

A new bill proposing amendments to the Animal Welfare Act has been put forward for consultation. This proposal requires slaughterhouses and collection centers to install cameras. The aim is to ensure animal welfare throu...

Eco-score to be discontinued due to misleading term

11 June 2024

The term Eco-score will be discontinued due to its misleading nature. IFOAM, the global umbrella organization for the organic agriculture and food sector, reached an agreement on this with Yuka and ADEME, who launched th...

Quality and innovation: Dutch Truffle in the food industry

11 June 2024

Truffles, delicious fresh truffles for everyone. Dutch Truffle was founded in 2006 out of a passion for truffles. What started with importing fresh truffles for personal use, friends, and local restaurants has grown into...

Climate change drives up costs for the food sector

11 June 2024

Climate change has far-reaching consequences for the Dutch food sector. Extreme weather and water scarcity increase the risk of crop failures, leading to higher prices for consumers. This impact is particularly felt in v...

Verstegen Spices & Sauces achieves B Corp certification

10 June 2024

Verstegen Spices & Sauces proudly announces that it has received the B Corp certification. This recognition confirms the family business's commitment to sustainability. CEO Mark Schraauwen emphasizes the pride within...

Nationwide campaign for organic food launched

10 June 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) has recently launched a new campaign to raise consumer awareness about the benefits of organic food. This campaign, part of the Organic Action Plan, aims to info...

Tackling food waste with targeted measures

10 June 2024

Despite the ambitions of companies in the food chain to reduce waste, practical implementation often lags behind. "Companies need more incentives to take action," says Sanne Stroosnijder from Wageningen University & ...