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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Innovate during a crisis: fast and smart packaging

08 September 2020

We use the crisis to innovate. Right now. Now it is important for you to package your products super fast, reliable and smart. So that you too can survive the crisis. With our ultramodern TX tray sealer we make this poss...

LTO: Meat tax not popular

07 September 2020

Only a small minority of the Dutch find a meat tax a good solution to stimulate the consumption of less meat, according to a survey among more than 1500 Dutch people, commissioned by LTO Nederland. The study also shows t...

Food sector down by 4 percent, recovery only after 2021

04 September 2020

The impact of the corona crisis on the food sector has two faces. For example, there is substantial growth for companies supplying (online) supermarkets, while companies supplying the hospitality industry are experiencin...

Role of bioenergy in climate change mitigation

03 September 2020

The contribution of large-scale application of bio-energy with CO2 capture and storage (BECCS) over a period of thirty years is relatively limited, according to a study by Radboud University, Utrecht University and the N...

Jan Zandbergen Group: 'Innovation that Matters'

03 September 2020

The world and society are focusing more and more on sustainability and quality, and the eating behavior of consumers is changing under the influence of these developments. Consumers have different demands than before and...

Director Marian Geluk leaves the FNLI

03 September 2020

Director Marian Geluk will leave the Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie (FNLI), the umbrella organization and advocate for processing and importing companies and industries in the Dutch food industry, on 1 Oc...

Fish processors demand a say in the North Sea agreement

03 September 2020

The Dutch fish processing industry, with an annual turnover of 4.5 billion euros and more than 5,000 jobs, demands a place at the table in future discussions about the deadlocked North Sea draft agreement. The Fish Feder...

Toxic substances released by Henri van de Bilt

02 September 2020

On Wednesday evening, September 2nd, ambulances, fire department and police were dispatched to the Henri van de Bilt meat factory in Beuningen. After an incident with toxic substances, two employees with complaints of hy...

These are the food heroes of 2020

02 September 2020

On Monday, August 31, 2020, in a special Studio Food100 broadcast on YouTube, the food heroes of 2020 were announced: 6 change-makers chosen from the Food100, a list of 100 progressive and promising food change-makers be...

Finalists Amsterdam Food Pitch 2020

02 September 2020

The finalists of Amsterdam Food Pitch are known! The jury tasted all submitted products on Monday 24 August and selected 12 finalists. On 25 September, the finalists will be sampling their product in the self-service fac...

ACM: Sustainable chicken no competition limitation

02 September 2020

There is now a lot more chicken meat on the supermarket shelves from which the chicken has had a better life. Almost all chicken meat is more animal friendly than the previously stranded joint initiative of producers and...

Schouten: National Protein Strategy based on three tracks

02 September 2020

The demand for plant-based proteins for human nutrition is growing rapidly, especially for alternatives to dairy and meat. The European Union therefore wants to become more self-sufficient in order to meet the need for v...

Launch Coalition of Action on Food Waste

01 September 2020

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has launched a CEO-led Coalition of Action on Food Waste on 17 August 2020, bringing together 14 of the world’s largest retailers and manufacturers with the goal of halving per capita globa...

Food Waste Monitor 2018 published

01 September 2020

The per capita food waste in the Netherlands in 2018 is no more, but also no less, than in 2017. This is evident from the update of the Food Waste Monitor, published on 1 September 2020 by Wageningen Food & Biobased ...

Jumbo starts 'bread of bread' against food waste

01 September 2020

At the start of the Dutch waste-free week (first week of September) Jumbo Supermarkets introduces the concept 'Bread of Bread'.  With this concept Jumbo uses returnable bread to bake new, daily fresh bread. Initially it ...