Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Are you already focusing on damage-free transport?

05 March 2018

You produce a great product and enthusiastically bring it to the market. But how do you get it to the client undamaged? Bob Lemmen, Marketing Manager at Lantech, knows that damage-free transport is all about packaging an...

Feestelijke paal nieuwbouw Euroma Zwolle

05 March 2018

De start van de nieuwbouw voor Euroma in Zwolle is op officieel ingeluid middels het slaan van een feestelijke paal. De paal werd geslagen door Robert Hoogstra, Bernd Spengler, Peter Meewisse, Jelle Vonck en Teun van Vee...

Ergonomic packaging line at Ameco

05 March 2018

When abattoir Ameco decided to move from Amsterdam to a brand-new building in Apeldoorn, there was a lot that needed to be arranged. Its long-term partner Kortlever would play a prominent role in setting up the packaging...

High season for the smoked sausage specialist

05 March 2018

The brother-butchers Bert and Jannes Koetsier specialise in smoked sausages prepared with fresh ingredients and smoked on beechwood. In 2014, they developed a new passion: knackwurst. Bert Koetsier tracked its unique his...

Food waste and transparency are influencing the packaging industry

05 March 2018

Bioplastics, storytelling, and the reduction of food waste are the terms that arise when experts from the packaging industry discuss current developments and innovations in their sector.  It is clear that there i...

Roland ten Klooster: Becoming more sustainable by taking small steps

05 March 2018

Roland ten Klooster is a packaging consultant and professor by special appointment of Packaging Design and Management. When he was studying industrial design in the 1980s, food packaging design in the Netherlands was a s...

A Dutch adventure in Ecuador

06 February 2018

Making stroopwafels the Ecuadorian way: Eric van Maasdijk (45) is making these Dutch delights—brown sugar syrup sandwiched between two thin layers of biscuit-sized waffles—in the South American country's capital city of ...

Attractive labels for ready meals

06 February 2018

Fresh salads, delicious soups and ready-to-eat meals are packed by Rabbit N.V, a Belgian family business, in a wide range of different trays and formats. All the more reasons to search for a new labeller. Rabbit was l...

Weighing in the food industry

06 February 2018

Natural resources continue to pose a challenge for the food industry, because natural also means that composition varies, which makes preparing a consistent product difficult. Checking and adjusting all weights is essent...

The right floor and the right drain

06 February 2018

The food industry cannot escape potentially hazardous situations: temperature, fluids and fats create risks with ease. However, many of these can be avoided. Each producer has a HACCP protocol for food-safe production...

Jaap "De Vegetarische Slager " Korteweg's first factory

06 February 2018

After becoming a vegetarian ten years ago, Jaap Korteweg missed meat so much that he was motivated to create the best possible meat substitutes. To accomplish this, he brought in scientists and a chef. At the end of 2017...

Innovation in food processing

06 February 2018

2018 is becoming a dynamic year: technology will make big changes in the food sector. Cost reduction, decreasing environmental impact and addressing the problem of the global food system are significant stimuli for these...

Vervoer van warme karkassen akkoord

09 January 2018

Op 31 oktober jl. is in Brussel door het Europees Parlement een verordening aangenomen die het mogelijk maakt karkassen die nog niet geheel tot 7°C gekoeld zijn, toch te vervoeren. De Verordening is van kracht per 21/11/...

Runderslachtingen toegenomen in 2017

09 January 2018

In totaal zijn er 701.415 runderen geslacht in 2017 door Nederlandse slachterijen. Dit meldt de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. De rundvleesproductie was hierdoor ruim 221.000 ton. Het aantal slachtingen groei...

Pack fresh products efficiently and economically

09 January 2018

With the G 700 model, MULTIVAC is expanding its range with the addition of a high-output traysealer for packing ready meals, snacks, vegetables and fresh-cut products of all types. Thanks to the use of innovative gas flu...