No compromise
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No compromise

  • 09 April 2019
  • By: Pieter Vos

I have been to India several times last year. I also visited production companies, such as a factory where they make a traditional sweet called 'Ladoo'. A dough is made of (chickpea) flour, often different kinds of nuts, and sometimes coconut, which is shaped into small balls. Women, dressed in colourful saris, as well as men, do this with their bare hands. This is just how it is done, and there are no questions asked about whether this may be the best way of doing it. The risk of contamination in such a production environment is huge. Nevertheless, the ladoo made by this factory is delivered to large companies, including the airline industry.

In the Netherlands, we have a 'no compromise' culture. Manufacturers are aware of food safety risks and act accordingly. We have clear laws and regulations, as they do in India, by the way. But there they don't have inspectorate bodies and reliable laboratories to safeguard food safety.

This is something we do exceptionally well in the Netherlands. And yet... How often do you wonder, as a food producer and looking at your own production environment: can I do better? If you are honest, is 'making money' not the deciding factor for the choices that you make? Although I would like to stress that there is nothing wrong with 'making money'. To what extent are you prepared to make concessions with regard to quality if that will result in an increase in sales and higher profits? 

It would be wonderful when our production methods will always be based on a deep, intrinsic motivation to put quality first at all times. No compromises.

Pieter Vos
Directeur Nutrilab

Source: © Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2019