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Important safety standards in powder production

Maintaining strict guidelines for food safety and quality is a constant challenge that impacts every link in the food chain. The food industry allocates a significant portion of its budget to reduce the risk of food cont..

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Breakthroughs needed in food production system

13 September 2016

Rob Hamer’s work revolves around innovation in food. He heads up the Unilever research lab in Vlaardingen and spends one day a week working as a professor in the Food Chemistry Group at Wageningen UR. We discussed with h...

‘Nostalgia clouds the discussion about additives’

14 June 2016

Consumer trust in the food industry is low, but the cause is not clear. “What is clear is that the industry will have to do something to improve its communication with consumers,” says Director Philip den Ouden (FNLI). ...

Launch of Handtmann VF800

14 June 2016

One of the highlights of the recent IFFA was the launch of the new and innovative Handtmann VF800 series of vacuum fillers. Thanks to the state-of-the art technology, the hygienic design, the highly precise portioning an...

Asbest: Dwangsom bij overtredingen

14 June 2016

De Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) voert sinds medio 2014 inspecties uit met betrekking tot asbest bij bedrijven met industriële installaties. Destijds bleek uit inspecties bij de geïnspecteerde bedrijven dat d...

Facilicom Services Group acquires Kleentec

14 June 2016

All-round provider of facility services Facilicom Services Group has acquired Kleentec with effect from 12 May 2016. Kleentec is the Netherlands’ market leader in cleaning, disinfection and production optimisation for th...

Sustainable palm oil is the norm

14 June 2016

84% of all the palm oil processed by the Dutch food industry in 2015 was sustainable, according to the final report by the Task Force Sustainable Palm Oil. The percentage of sustainable palm oil in the Dutch food indu...

Hightech to feed the world

14 June 2016

The Dutch Topsector Agri & Food has approved eight applications for hightech seed money projects in which companies from the agrifood sector will work together with hightech companies to develop hightech solutions. T...

RBK Group

10 May 2016

Per 1 januari 2016 heeft de directie; Peter Harmens (links) en Theo Vliek, de RBK Group overgenomen. RBK Group, opgericht in 1978, is een automatiserings- en adviesbureau voor voedingsmiddelenbedrijven. Onder het motto ‘...

Meer betalen voor NVWA-toezicht

10 May 2016

Op 1 mei 2016 zijn de tarieven voor regulier NVWA-toezicht in onder andere pluimveeslachterijen met meer dan 10% verhoogd. De Vereniging van de Nederlandse Pluimvee Verwerkende Industrie (NEPLUVI) reageert furieus op de ...

Organic: a concept for the future

10 May 2016

IFOAM-EU recently held its 10th European Organic Congress. The two-day event was officially opened by Martijn van Dam, Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs. Van Dam sees the agricultural transition as offering very...

De toekomst van ons voedsel

10 May 2016

Eind april werd door de Groep ‘Diverse Werkzaamheden’ van de EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) in Den Haag een conferentie georganiseerd  over onder andere voedselproductie en duurzaamheid en gezonde voe...

“A significant quality improvement"

10 May 2016

“Consumers nowadays have such a wide choice so we have to set ourselves apart in several different ways,” says Ferry Stevens, who is responsible for quality at Febo and was closely involved in the brand’s recent upgrade....

Uninvited guests: Toxoplasma gondii

10 May 2016

Virtually all organisms, including humans, can carry parasites: worms, fleas, lice, ticks. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses worldwide and it can have severe consequences for pregnant women i...

Improving quality in chilled food products

10 May 2016

The entire organisation plays a role in quality. It is becoming increasingly common for quality specialists to work together with colleagues from other departments in order to take quality to the next level. Here, three ...

Treat farmers, fishermen and processors with respect

10 May 2016

On 11 April 2016 #Foodtopia – an exhibition about the future of our food – opened at Rabobank headquarters. Food and agriculture expert Prof. Dr. Ir. Louise O. Fresco, chair of the executive board of Wageningen Universit...