Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Million-euro grant for research on pathogens in plant-based products

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research have received a grant of one million euros through the international platform Plant2Food. This funding is intended for a study on pathogens in plant-based products. The..

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Hygiëne in het productieproces

14 April 2015

Op donderdag 12 maart jl. waren we met een grote groep OSV-ers op bezoek bij Intralox in Amsterdam. Intralox is producent van modulaire kunststof transportbanden. In zijn presentatie vertelt Jeroen Neuhof, General Man...

Trends, bottlenecks and visions of the future

10 March 2015

Clean label, reformulations, organic, allergen-free, sustainability: the food industry cannot afford to ignore these topics. This article features contributions from five food manufacturers who talk about their approach,...


10 March 2015

De Saniclip is de nieuwe innovatieve ontwikkeling van Habasit voor het snel demonteren en reinigen van kunststof modulaire banden, zonder gebruik te maken van gereedschap. Regelmatig reinigen in hygiënisch-kritische proc...

Long-term project

10 March 2015

Today's food is too sweet, too salty and too fatty. Consumers like to blame it all on the food industry, but that's not entirely fair. Sugar, salt and fat contribute to a product's unique taste, so it's only logical that...

Replacing regular salt with mineral salt

10 March 2015

Snijders Vleeswaren from Born is keen to stick to its traditional preparation methods, while the market is demanding healthier products with lower salt and fat contents. “That’s no easy task,” says the company director, ...

Willow-based water purification

10 February 2015

Willow plantations have been used to purify water in Scandinavia and the United States for years. This environmentally friendly and financially attractive method of water purification also offers opportunities in The Net...

Key pillars of hygiene and process optimisation

10 February 2015

Conveyor belts, plastic modular belts, positive drive belts and conveyor chains: Habasit’s broad product spectrum offers literally endless options to meat-processing companies. “Because we are a full-range supplier, we a...

CIP = fundamental

18 November 2014

Version 7 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety will be applied in audits from July 2015 onwards. The previous version dated from June 2011 and came into effect on 1 January 2012. One fundamental aspect of version 7...

Rodent-proof construction

18 November 2014

Vermin exclusion is an increasingly important aspect of food-safe construction which, although a challenging element within factory design, is not impossible. Here Cordy Volkers, project manager at Bessels Architekten &a...

Great Italian Food Trade

18 November 2014

"Food and beverages made in Italy". It sounds easy, but it is difficult to distinguish true excellence in the vast expanse of products that drive the global market. GIFT – Great Italian Food Trade, the international port...

Recruiting, motivating and developing

18 November 2014

The food industry is facing a shortage of technologists, and well-qualified operators are in high demand. It is important to provide training: if you fail to do so, you risk losing out to your competitors. Read on to lea...

Supporting the positive evolution of the company culture

18 November 2014

Vergeer Holland is proof that innovation is always possible, even with a traditional product such as cheese. The company’s product range is evolving all the time, and so too it its workforce: employees have plenty of opp...

Respect takes cleaning to the next level

14 October 2014

“In the meat processing industry, cleaning is vital,” states Theo Dolleman, Production Manager at meat processing company Westfort in Oudewater. “Our board of directors expects the standard of cleaning to approach perfec...

The benefits of Kleentec Hygiene

14 October 2014

A hygienic manufacturing environment can help to improve the efficiency and performance of production processes. “However, the responsibility to ensure a hygienic environment should never become a burden on the food manu...

Alleviating hygiene concerns

14 October 2014

Menken, a manufacturer of spreadable salads and meat products, has chosen to completely eliminate any concerns about hygiene by working with Eco2Clean. Eco2Clean shoulders final responsibility for hygiene and supplies th...