Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Dairy industry on track to reduce CO2 emissions

The Dutch dairy industry is committed to significantly reducing its CO2 emissions by 2030. A recent report by KWA bedrijfsadviseurs indicates that the sector is well on its way to meeting its reduction targets. The findi..

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What we truly think about sustainable food

28 September 2023

Milieu Centraal recently released the 'Sustainability Life Monitor 2023'. This report provides a clear and in-depth understanding of the attitudes and actions of the Dutch regarding sustainability. Crucial for the food i...

Dutch hospitals strive for healthy and sustainable food

27 September 2023

With the innovative program 'Taste Good Care', Dutch hospitals are setting a new standard for healthy and sustainable nutrition. Central to this initiative is not just the food offering, but the entire meal system. Th...

From meat to fish: Sustainability drives choice

26 September 2023

More and more Dutch people are consciously opting for fish over meat due to environmental considerations, as revealed by recent findings from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)...

What technology is needed to grow insects?

26 September 2023

Cultivating mealworms: Equans Refrigeration outlines the requirements for a cultivation installation. With the increasing demand for alternative proteins, insect farming is becoming increasingly lucrative. Gert Boersm...

The complexity of processed Food: environment vs. health

25 September 2023

Recent health trends are steering us towards unprocessed foods, but what if opting for that healthy snack actually leaves a bigger footprint on our planet? Research conducted by Reina Vellinga, a researcher at RIVM, unve...

Fungi For Future Wins Lineage's Hackathon

22 September 2023

On September 21, Lineage, a leading business in cold chain logistics, announced the winner of their hackathon 'Tackling Food Waste for a Sustainable Future' held in Amsterdam. After two days of intensive collaboration an...

EU bans greenwashing and boosts product guarantees

22 September 2023

The EU Parliament has struck a provisional agreement on updated rules aimed at eliminating misleading advertisements and supplying consumers with improved information on product longevity. This understanding seeks to ...

Water at risk: global concerns for 2030

20 September 2023

Without proactive leadership in water management, we risk a parched future. According to the World Resources Institute, the Earth may face a staggering 56% water shortfall by 2030. This dire water situation doesn't just ...

PBL: 2030 climate goal within reach for the first time

20 September 2023

The latest Climate and Energy Exploration (KEV) delivers encouraging news for the Dutch food industry and the nation as a whole. Predictions indicate that the Netherlands' greenhouse gas emissions could decrease by 46 to...

6 key considerations when purchasing a steam boiler

19 September 2023

Is your company in need of a new steam system? Making an informed decision regarding the purchase of a steam installation is crucial. Steam boilers are an investment meant to fit your needs for a long period. 1. Deter...

How packaging can prevent food waste

18 September 2023

The Dutch food industry plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of sustainability and innovation. Food waste has been a long-standing concern, with confusion surrounding expiration labels such as 'to be used by' (TGT) and 'b...

Increase in sustainable food expenditure

13 September 2023

According to the Sustainable Food Monitor 2022, compiled by Wageningen Economic Research, expenditures on sustainable food increased by 13% in 2022, reaching €10.8 billion. This is notable given the shift in consumer pur...

Reduced food waste in Dutch hospitality sector

12 September 2023

A recent report reveals that the hospitality sector in the Netherlands has wasted 9.2% less food compared to 2019. Despite this reduction, the wasted quantity still represents a staggering €647 million, an increase from ...

Column Judith Witte: Changing (food) patterns

11 September 2023

Is it due to climate change? Was the wind a tad different this year? Or is it just sheer coincidence? This late summer, there’s an unusual number of grasshoppers in our garden. And it’s not just there; they’re just as co...

'Eating insects? The world can't wait!'

11 September 2023

"Such a white mealworm has just moulted, deliciously soft. Try it," says Star Food CEO Wim Soetendaal. In addition to countless insects for animal feed, he now grows mealworms for human food. "The protein transition is u...