Record spending on MSC-certified fish in the Netherlands
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Record spending on MSC-certified fish in the Netherlands

  • 30 August 2024

In 2023, Dutch consumers spent €323.8 million on MSC-certified fish and seafood, marking a 5.1% increase compared to the previous year. The volume also grew by 3.1%, reaching 50,043 tons. These figures are highlighted in the "Stand in het Schap Nederland 2024" report by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

Challenges for sustainable fishing

Climate change and evolving fishing agreements are putting pressure on MSC-certified fisheries, leading to some, such as the Atlantic mackerel fisheries, losing their MSC certification. However, the number of certified tuna fisheries is on the rise. Despite this, only a small portion of certified fish is easily recognizable as such in stores due to gaps in full traceability along the supply chain. Yet, the demand for sustainable fish products continues to grow. Consumers view the MSC label as a reliable measure of sustainability and expect clear origin information from companies. This encourages the industry to maintain full traceability and ensure that sustainably caught fish is identifiable on store shelves.

Sector shifts in sales

In 2023, there were notable shifts in the sales of MSC-certified products. Sales of canned fish, particularly tuna, hit a record high, while sales of frozen products and ready meals declined. Sustainable pet food saw a significant increase, with a 67% growth, reflecting a rising trend among pet owners to choose sustainable options.

Tuna leads MSC-certified fish sales

Tuna has become the most sold MSC-certified fish in the Netherlands, with a volume of 12,439 tons in 2023/24. The availability of MSC-certified tuna has significantly increased in recent years, thanks in part to efforts by commercial partners.

Increase in mussel and herring sales

Despite challenges in mussel farming, sales of MSC-certified mussels have remained stable, reaching a record volume of 4,530 tons in 2023/24. Herring also experienced a sales recovery, with a 22.4% growth compared to last year.

Lagging foodservice sector

The foodservice sector lags behind retail in offering MSC-certified products. Only a few chains and fish retailers actively promote sustainable fishing. Nonetheless, the Dutch market remains committed to sustainable fishing despite geopolitical and economic challenges.

Read the full report: "Stand in het Schap 2024"


Source: ©MSC