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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Carl Siegert: It's about sustainability and innovation

07 February 2022

The bakery of Carl Siegert is located in Harmelen. Here, a wide variety of bread and buns are made according to traditional methods, and baked using the latest techniques. Sustainability and innovation; that is what it i...

FSIN: Battle for convenience consumer has begun

03 February 2022

In the next ten years, traditional food service channels such as the hotel and catering industry will face fierce competition from supermarkets, which are plunging into the field of direct consumption. This is evident fr...

Five innovative concepts win FoodmanShip Award

03 February 2022

Hybrid sausages that help reduce meat consumption. Meal packages for families with lower incomes and health issues. A fairtrade system for Dutch farmers. Luxury chocolate with dried coffee grounds. And a special beer as ...

Ÿnfabre: The first industrial plan for insect breeding

02 February 2022

ŸNFABRE is the first industrial genetic selection programme for large-scale insect breeders. The programme is designed to provide concrete answers to food safety challenges and to alleviate environmental pressures in lin...

The pig is the ultimate circular animal

01 February 2022

When buying meat, animal welfare is often still a major consideration for consumers, but attention to the environment and climate is growing rapidly. It is precisely in this area that the pig has a strong point, as it is...

StartLife invests in agrifoodtech startups

31 January 2022

In the next few years, innovative tech startups working to make our food chain more sustainable can request subordinated loans from StartLife. The loans will vary from €75,000 to €250,000. Financing is from a new fund, S...

Trend report Bakery sector 2022

31 January 2022

On Thursday 27 January, the Netherlands Bakery Centre (NBC) presented the Trend Report Bakery Sector. The report contains a number of figures about the bakery sector, and also analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the...

X-rays will make plant diets of the future more tasty

27 January 2022

X-rays can be used to examine the tiniest parts of food and provide us with fresh knowledge about what makes yogurt feel soft and what it takes for chocolate to have just the right snap. According to researchers at the U...

State of Agriculture and Food: Stable trends in sector

21 January 2022

Wageningen University & Research and Statistics Netherlands have prepared the report 'State of Agriculture and Food' on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The objective of the study is to...

WHO warns: plant-based often unhealthy

18 January 2022

Whether for health reasons or concerns about the environment, eating less or no meat is becoming more popular around the globe. But as a new WHO/Europe factsheet points out, some plant-based meat and dairy substitutes ma...

A plant-based diet can provide twice the CO₂ gain

11 January 2022

We can remove almost 100 billion tonnes of CO₂ from the atmosphere before the century is out. That is, if high-income countries switch to a plant-based diet. Returning farmland to its original state for cattle breeding d...

National Week Without Meat adds '& Dairy' in 2022

04 January 2022

From 7-13 March 2022, the fifth edition of the National Week Without Meat will take place in the Netherlands. New in 2022 is the addition of '& Dairy'. During the National Week Without Meat & Dairy 2022, particip...

Working together on the most groundbreaking innovations

03 January 2022

Since 2004, Foodvalley NL has been developed into the food innovation center of Europe. The Netherlands can and should play a major role in developing the food system of the future. Discover how and taste the opportuniti...

Protein transition: a promising export market

20 December 2021

The protein transition aims to achieve a better balance in the consumption of animal and alternative proteins. A new report examines the ecosystem and the need for Dutch companies to do international business in this sec...

Avebe increases production of potato protein

13 December 2021

Royal Avebe is investing € 66 million in its innovation and sustainability programme this year. Most of the investments are related to the capacity of Solanic potato protein. The expansion will significantly increase pro...