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'Consumers prioritize price over sustainability in food choices'

In 2023, consumer purchasing power improved slightly due to rising wages and falling inflation, but price awareness remains a key factor in supermarkets. “Consumers are primarily guided by their wallets unless there is n..

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Ronald Visschers on: the food of the future

10 March 2015

Sustainability issues, critical consumers and dynamic markets call for food-industry innovations. Manufacturers want to be able to take new or improved products to market faster and more efficiently. Ronald Visschers, Pr...

Fermentation technologies

10 March 2015

One consumer trend with significant impact on the food industry is ‘all natural’, and this trend is closely connected to the globally felt necessity to improve the sustainability of food production. Which technological p...

'It’s like building a cathedral'

10 February 2015

A CO2-neutral supply chain without losses due to waste is of course a pipe dream for now. In her inaugural speech, Prof Dr Jacqueline Bloemhof-Ruwaard said that turning it into reality will be a long process requiring pa...

The real meaning of ‘sustainability’!

10 February 2015

A translation error several decades ago resulted in the Dutch word ‘duurzaamheid’ becoming the accepted equivalent for the word ‘sustainability’ – and there has been confusion in The Netherlands about how to give true me...

Willow-based water purification

10 February 2015

Willow plantations have been used to purify water in Scandinavia and the United States for years. This environmentally friendly and financially attractive method of water purification also offers opportunities in The Net...

More sustainability in construction

10 February 2015

Sustainability…it seems to be the magic word in all market sectors. It is an essential topic for the food chain since the global demand for food is set to rise dramatically in the years ahead. So KIM Nederland has suffic...

‘Innovation is the way to go'

10 February 2015

Global demand for high-quality carbohydrates and proteins is growing fast. How can we make sure everyone in the world has access to sufficient food of sufficient quality? And can this be achieved sustainably? The glob...

Ignoring waste costs money

10 February 2015

Many companies think that they’re already working hard to reduce waste, primarily for environmental reasons. But in reality a lot of waste – and hence money – is still being thrown away. Generally speaking, between 30...

Higher quality on plates

10 February 2015

Family-run fresh fish wholesaler Versvishandel Jan van As is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year. This ultra-modern company still maintains an artisanal approach to this day. It is innovative and pioneering yet al...

Green means money!

10 February 2015

Sustainability doesn’t always have to be expensive. Sometimes the opportunities are right under your nose, and both the ecological and economic impacts can be enormous. Focusing on water consumption, for example, offers ...

Making all meat sustainable

10 February 2015

Livestock farming and meat production in The Netherlands must stay on the path to greater sustainability. It is an objective that has wide support in the industry, but it is also an ambitious one, and one that cannot be ...

Less bread in the bin!

14 October 2014

Ten captains of industry have been specially invited to submit a food waste issue for the Stop food Waste Symposium (6 November in Amsterdam); ten conceptual thinkers will consider the issues and devise solutions to them...

Huls: A Dry Sausage Mecca

09 September 2014

The phenomenon of ‘preserving’ food is centuries old. Traditional preservation methods, especially of meat and fish, include curing, smoking, boiling and pickling. Such techniques have given us delicious favourites such ...

Improving sustainability with Pathema

09 September 2014

Pathema BV’s Industrial Vortex Generator-Circulation (IVG-C) CoolWater technology is a total solution for managing and recycling cooling water without the use of any chemicals at all. The technology has been nominated fo...

Duurzaamheid nieuw bedrijfspand

13 May 2014

Brilliant Group, a specialised wholesaler and service provider in safety and hygiene for the food industry, has started construction work (2014) on a new facility in Duiven (NL). The company supplies products, consultanc...