Start of experimental garden for recycled agriculture
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Start of experimental garden for recycled agriculture

  • 13 September 2019

InsectoCycle starts with the experimental garden FeedBackFarm. They do this in cooperation with cheese and dairy farm Kuiper. The construction of the experimental garden has started and will be opened on 28 February. The aim of this testing ground is to discover how insects can be used to process (agricultural) residual flows from cheese and dairy farm Kuiper and other residual flows from the region, such as catering waste, into new food products.

The plan is to use the residual flows to feed the larvae of the black soldier fly. This fly grows very fast and eats almost everything. The mature larvae can be fed to fish, chickens and pigs. This project focuses on feeding fish. The fish are bred in an aquaponics system. This is a combination of fish and plant cultivation. The water in which the fish swim is used to fertilize the plants. The plants absorb the fertilizer from the water, making the water clean again and suitable for the fish to swim in. 

InsectoCycle wants to demonstrate with this experimental garden that residual flows can be processed into new products, such as fish, lettuce and herbs. InsectoCycle: " This way we close the cycle in the countryside and we do not have to import as many raw materials like soy.

Image: © Pixabay

Source: © InsectoCycle