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With the global movement to reduce plastic use and waste, food producers are in a difficult position. Plastic remains the best material for food packaging. After all, products packaged in plastic have a much longer shelf life than those that are not, and food safety can also be better guaranteed with plastic packaging. It is up to the environmentally conscious food producer to package their products sustainably, i.e. to use a packaging technique that reduces the use and waste of plastic. Preferably not at the expense of the quality and shelf life of the (end) product, and the efficiency of the packaging process. These factors have a major impact on the total cost for the producer.
In the context of sustainable food packaging, the question is therefore how to package products as sustainably as possible while not compromising the quality of the end product. But how do you package food sustainably while maintaining quality and efficiency? This white paper tells you all about thermoforming.
Source: GEA
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