Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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EU bans Bisphenol A in food contact materials

The European Commission has adopted a ban on Bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials. This decision follows concerns about potential health risks associated with the chemical, which is used in plastics and resins. ..

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New skin-pack packaging line

11 October 2018

Since Diviande moved into its new premises in Veenendaal last March, the company has had the space to grow in all aspects. Recently a new skin-pack packaging line was installed, which is now fully operational. Many cu...

Jumbo, food and soccer

08 October 2018

On 8 November Food Industry Experts launches its first knowledge event. This annual event is exclusively for entrepreneurs of food producing companies. Be inspired this year by Björn Kuipers; supermarket entrepreneur ...

Aandacht voor onnodig plastic #Mispaksel

14 August 2018

Greenpeace vraagt aandacht voor al het onnodige wegwerpplastic waarin eten verpakt zit. Dit doen zij met hun #Mispaksel actie. Met deze verkiezing wil de organisatie meer aandacht werven voor het gigantische plasticprobl...

Vijf genomineerde Liegebeestverkiezing

14 August 2018

De Liegebeestverkiezing van Wakker Dier wordt dit jaar voor de tiende keer georganiseerd. Het doel van de verkiezing is misleiding en leugenachtige claims over dierenwelzijn tegen te gaan. De genomineerden voor dit jaar ...

Nieuwe EU-wetgeving voedselinformatie

14 August 2018

Vanaf 1 april 2020 is het noodzakelijk dat fabrikanten de herkomst van de ingrediënten van hun producten vermelden op het etiket, als het ingrediënt een andere herkomst heeft dan het product zelf.  De nieuwe vero...

Strengere regels etiketten riskant

09 July 2018

Vaak worden consumenten op het verkeerde been gezet door termen als ‘ambachtelijk’ en plaatjes van vruchten op producten die bijna geen fruit bevatten. BEUC de Europese consumentenkoepel wil dat er daarom strengere regel...

Voedingsgiganten willen etikettering met kleurcode

09 July 2018

Een aantal grote bedrijven uit de voedingsindustrie wil graag een nieuw etiketteringssysteem in gebruik nemen dat werkt op basis van portiegrootte en kleurcodes. Hierdoor kunnen consumenten eenvoudiger een (gezonde) keuz...

Managing director Tim Hage about trends and the future

10 May 2018

To be a successful company for 50 years, you must have more qualities than just doing what you are good at. You must also look ahead and capitalize on trends and developments. ‘And you must know what the market needs’, t...

The fruit market demands a top-quality seal

08 May 2018

Plastic fruit containers with a lid are recognisable and therefore, trusted by the consumer. However, the demand for sealed packaging is increasing. This prevents the lid from falling off and logistics run more efficient...

A quick introduction

01 May 2018

The management team: Tim Hage – Managing Director I set up the management team with great care, avoiding to choose for ‘yes-men’. Mart de Koning, John van Balen and the serviceteam are great in their fields. With them...

New machines, new market for Telson

01 May 2018

Innovative technology, improved sustainability and quality stimulate the market for fresh Dutch shrimps. In the story of the shrimp it is all about peeling machines, MSC certification and innovation. At the harbour of...

Cérélia chooses MULTIVAC thermoformers again

01 May 2018

With over 1 million pancakes produced daily, Cérélia is one of the world’s largest pancake bakers. This scale requires professionalisation and adaptability. Plus reliable packaging machines. The Dutch branch of Céréli...

Karien and Elise tell about working at MULTIVAC

01 May 2018

,,The atmosphere is good" according to Elise van de Geer (photo). Not just anyone is hired by MULTIVAC. During the job interview it is thoroughly checked if you have the right attitude. What do you need according to mana...

Service is and will remain our main product!

01 May 2018

Not maintaining a machine until it doesn’t work anymore is not an option for MULTIVAC. Preventive maintenance to prevent the machine from breaking down unexpectedly, by contrast, is the way to go! In 2010 we were unde...

Better Processing

01 May 2018

‘Better packaging’: that used to be MULTIVAC’s slogan for years. In 2017 we added ‘Processing’. With reason: in that year, we introduced our own MULTIVAC slicers for cheese and meats. Besides, we acquired an interest in ...