Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Summer offer on used MULTIVAC machines

MULTIVAC offers both new and refurbished machines. The refurbished tray sealers, thermoformers, labelers, and portioners have original parts and provide the same quality and warranties as new machines. They are ideal for..

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Verse levensmiddelen langer houdbaar verpakken

10 July 2017

Op woensdag 13 en 20 september a.s. organiseert MULTIVAC Nederland te Woerden een tweetal gratis kennisevents over het langer houdbaar verpakken van verse levensmiddelen door middel van Trayseal technologie. De events...

Voedingsindustrie kiest controle

10 July 2017

Voedselveiligheid is een belangrijk thema voor alle producenten in de voedingsindustrie. Consumenten moeten vertrouwen op de voedselveiligheid van ieder product en elke verpakking. Vandaar dat De Koningh Coding & Lab...

App for the labelling maze

09 May 2017

At the request of the Dutch Ministry for Public Health and Welfare, the Netherlands Nutrition Centre Foundation (Voedingscentrum) is developing an app called the ‘EtiketWijzerapp’ to help consumers understand the informa...

Multivac presenteert Multifresh skinverpakken

11 April 2017

De MULTIVAC R105 MF is een instapmodel dieptrekverpakkingsmachine voor skinverpakken voor kleine tot middelgrote capaciteiten. MultiFresh is het ‘next generation’ skinverpakken; hogere producten, kleinere verpakkingen...

Burgers, burgers and yet more burgers

06 March 2017

The burgers from Halifax in Denmark are tasty, classically American but certainly not old-fashioned. But before customers can bite heartily into their burgers, the various components must be safely packed for the journey...

Het beste uit uw productieproces

06 March 2017

De FastBack transport systemen maken gebruik van horizontale beweging om producten op een zeer delicate wijze te transporteren, hierdoor wordt productbreuk en afzetting voorkomen. Ideaal geschikt om een multihead weger m...

Five labelling rules

06 March 2017

As a freelancer in food, I see a growing number of small-scale manufacturers who are impassioned about making unique products. I have a soft spot for passion-filled products from small manufacturers. Their quality is oft...

Claims: useful or misleading?

06 March 2017

Consumers are increasingly aware of the link between their diet and their health. Claims can help them to make the right food choices for them. Many manufacturers also regard claims as a handy marketing tool. Whether int...

Food preservation methods

06 March 2017

The discovery that food could be preserved for long periods of time was truly revolutionary! It enabled humans to travel and to survive harsh winters and food shortages. Heating, freezing, drying, pickling, fermenting an...

15th edition of Empack

06 March 2017

The Dutch packaging trade show Empack, taking place on 5 and 6 April 2017 at the Brabanthallen venue, is set to feature plenty of innovations and foster lots of knowledge. The packaging sector is changing rapidly. Visit ...

Need for flexibility and durable quality

06 March 2017

Thanks to the economic upswing, suppliers of packaging and labelling machines for the Dutch food processing industry have the wind at their back. However, that doesn’t mean that customers are so eager to spend money that...

‘In-line printing is really taking off'

06 March 2017

Five years ago, Dick de Koning and Johan Glaser founded PACKZ. The duo regularly attend packaging-related trade fairs and conferences around the world. They enjoy sharing the knowledge they have acquired – by organising ...

Empack: de 15e keer

07 February 2017

De verpakkingsvakbeurs Empack gaat op 5 en 6 april 2017 haar 15e editie beleven in de Brabanthallen. Het doel van het event is om de Nederlandse verpakkers vooruit te brengen. Gelukkig gaan daarvoor de ontwikkelingen in ...

Labelling affected by new legislation

10 January 2017

The new Dutch Food and Commodities Act Decree on Food Information (Warenwetbesluit Informatie Levensmiddelen) came into force in the Netherlands for manufacturers on 13 December 2016. As a result of this new legislation,...

Decay of vacuum-packed fresh meat

14 November 2016

Vacuum packaging protects meat against contamination during storage and transport, and slows down microbiological spoilage. By also gradually reducing the temperature during transport, it is possible to keep the meat mic...