Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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This is how plant-based chains get stronger

This story highlights the power of combining forces. Bart, Jeroen, and Jaimy have three very different professions but share a common mission: advancing plant-based, locally grown proteins with and for Dutch protein farm..

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Dossier 'officiële controles'

03 January 2014

On Thursday 20 February in Brussels the European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee voted on new European rules on food and hygiene controls. The report with amendments to the Europe...

Supervac Vacuum machines

03 January 2014

Since 1 February 2014 Ultrapak BV has been the sole representative of Supervac vacuum machines for the food industry. The range comprises chamber vacuum machines, belt vacuum machines, shrinking tunnels and drying tunnel...

Adding value

02 January 2014

On 22 January 2014 Marel organised the Value Adding event on integrated marinating solutions for chicken and meat. At the recently opened demonstration centre in Copenhagen (Denmark), Marel gave chicken and meat processo...

Reducing labelling errors

02 January 2014

European Regulation 1169/2011 is due to come into force on 13 December 2014. Fresh food packers face the challenge of having to change almost all labels on fresh food. Espera-Nederland BV can ease the burden with a range...

New blowerbelt

02 January 2014

It is difficult to label or code wet packed products, such as individually packed spare ribs, when they are covered with condensation or frost: the weighing/pricing unit dispenses a label, but cannot apply it satisfactor...

Increasingly flexible packaging machines

02 January 2014

Packaging is a world  of fast-paced developments. As a result, packaging specialist MULTIVAC  is increasingly asked to supply flexible packaging machines. “A customer  will often want an all-rounder, so we...

EP: A tougher stance on food fraud

02 January 2014

Recent cases of food fraud, such as the horsemeat scandal, show that  the EU needs to review the operation of the food chain, carry out better  inspections and tighten the rules on labelling. This is the stance  taken by...