Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Presentations, demos and workshops

11 April 2017

Are you interested in attending an interesting day about surface finishing and metalworking? And seeing demonstrations of some of the most innovative and robotised machines around? Or perhaps you’re keen to learn about t...

Small-scale producers add zest to the food sector

06 March 2017

Over the past five years the number of food and drink manufacturing companies with fewer than five employees rose by 45 percent to 3,660, according to a recent report by Dutch bank ABN AMRO. As a result, this market segm...

COV launches Future Vision for the Meat Sector

07 February 2017

The Netherlands’ Central Organisation for the Meat Sector (COV) presented its vision of the future at the end of December 2016. The organisation is keen for Dutch society to once again take pride in a sector that is lead...

‘Forgotten meat’ in the spotlight

07 February 2017

During Grüne Woche in Berlin, Dutch State Secretary Van Dam (Economic Affairs, Agriculture) accepted the Dutch pork chain’s sustainable Schlachtplatte (platter of ‘forgotten meat’), presented by Platform Varkensvleeskete...

New convenience brand by VanDrie Group

14 November 2016

During the international food trade show SIAL in Paris, VanDrie Group launched its new brand, JAN, for convenience products. The brand currently covers products such as veal burgers and pulled veal and the company plans ...

Snel en toch ambachtelijk

13 September 2016

Bonpack International BV is fabrikant van elastische en niet-elastische netten voor de vleesindustrie. Naast het enige elastische net met een vast eindkaliber (Total Control Net) en een lactose-vrij elastisch net, is er ...

Eerste teken van herstel in varkenssector

10 May 2016

De Europese varkenssector krijgt in het tweede kwartaal van 2016 te maken met de eerste tekenen van herstel. De opleving van de vleesvarkensprijzen zal pas echt doorzetten als de eerste volumes uit de private opslagregel...

OSV-YFM ‘Smaakstampei’ Tasting Event 2015

24 November 2015

Smaakstampei 2015 was another resounding success. Attracting around 50 attendees, this event has become a regular fixture on the annual calendar. There was plenty of time for good conversations. The participants were onc...

Research into the transport of partially chilled carcasses

30 June 2015

In September 2014 Vakblad Voedingsindustrie and FoodInBusiness reported on research into the transport of partially chilled carcasses in the light of a possible amendment to EU legislation. It’s high time for an update. ...

Gedurfde ‘rook’smaak met een Clean label

30 June 2015

Geef uw producten een gedurfde unieke rooksmaak, met natuurlijk gerookte ingrediënten, leverbaar in poeder of vloeibare vorm: Natural Hardwood Smoked Sugar / Maltodextrin Natural Mesquite Smoked Sugar / Maltodext...

Hygiëne in het productieproces

14 April 2015

Op donderdag 12 maart jl. waren we met een grote groep OSV-ers op bezoek bij Intralox in Amsterdam. Intralox is producent van modulaire kunststof transportbanden. In zijn presentatie vertelt Jeroen Neuhof, General Man...

E-mail marketing

10 March 2015

In februari 2015 zijn we met de OSV bij TechAcademy Food van ROVC geweest. Zij stelden een ruimte ter beschikking voor de workshop ‘Krijg grip op je e-mailmarketing’. De presentatie werd gegeven door John Wallbrink van d...

Meat transport as an extension of cold storage

09 September 2014

In 2013, the European Commission requested a scientific opinion on the public health risks related to the maintenance of the cold chain during storage and transport of meat. To this end, TNO carried out research in The N...

OSV Summer Barbecue 2014

09 September 2014

In June, we enjoyed fantastic weather and the tasty food products from Hutten & Zonen during the OSV/YFM Summer Barbecue, which was attended by over 150 members of the two associations and their guests. Hutten &am...

Tools for optimising processes

10 June 2014

‘Trends in automation’ is a very broad topic. It covers traceability, analysis of big data and machines which are ever-better aligned with one another. Tablets are also becoming increasingly commonplace on the factory fl...