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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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More Fairtrade products sold in 2020

05 July 2021

The volume of Fairtrade products in the Netherlands increased by 7 percent in 2020. The category of bananas is the largest in volume; 37.9 million kilograms of Fairtrade bananas were sold in 2020 (+4% compared to 2019). ...

Politics lays foundation green coalition agreement

05 July 2021

The six green networks of CDA, D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, Volt and VVD, working together in the Sustainability Consultation of Political Parties (DoPP), have reached an agreement on 50 building blocks for a sustainable and g...

Ageing population leaves its mark on food sector

02 July 2021

An aging population deserves a higher place on the agenda of food producers. ABN AMRO's consumer research shows that older generations have a different need for the type of product and the location where food is purchase...

Clean label: not so clean as claimed

01 July 2021

A warning to all producers who are busy making their food products 'clean label'. Food additives that have not been approved are not allowed to be sold or used in foodstuffs. The NVWA ('Dutch Food and Consumer Product Sa...

As of July 1, deposit on small plastic bottles

01 July 2021

From the 1st of July 2021 there will be a deposit on small plastic bottles of soft drinks and water. Producers and importers are obliged to charge a 15 cent deposit on these bottles from that moment on. This should promo...

Plantaardig geen bedreiging dierlijke sector

29 June 2021

De markt voor alternatieve eiwitten voor vlees en zuivel zal tot 2035 flink doorgroeien. Maar hoe hard gaat deze transitie nou echt? Met het verwachte consumptieaandeel van 4% resp. 9% blijft het een niche en hebben de v...

Trial production and slicing & automation training

29 June 2021

In MULTIVAC's brand new training center, more than 100 specialists - from food technologists to mechanical engineers - work on customized processing and packaging lines. Tailor-made lines and individual training Th...

Wolvega Vlees chooses for higher capacity

28 June 2021

Recently, Sismatec in Almelo installed a completely overhauled Treif Waran at Wolvega Vlees. The company had been working with a Treif Twister dicer for quite some time. A great machine for cutting cubes and strips. "In ...

Universities take part in 'Well Packaged' project

28 June 2021

Companies make all kinds of considerations when choosing how to package their food product in a sustainable way. Over the next 2 years this choice process will be studied by HAS University together with The Hague Univers...

Avoid food waste using sensors during transport

28 June 2021

TNO has recently launched the IoT4AGRI project. The aim of the project is to investigate whether food wastage during transport can be prevented at an acceptable cost and to monitor quality losses so that any necessary in...

NVWA supervision changes

28 June 2021

The trends and developments that have a great effect on today's society are, according to the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA): corona; digitalization; sustainability; climate change; globalization...

Hygiene in the cheese industry

24 June 2021

Cheese products are generally safe, but can be subject to bacterial contamination leading to food poisoning or cross-contamination with allergens. The presence of pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms can not only pose a...

New vegetable fat improves products

23 June 2021

Olive oil and other unsaturated fats are liquid, but KU Leuven researchers have now developed an unsaturated fat that remains solid at room temperature. Their product Sterolife can help food companies develop healthy alt...

Milk supply by down 2 percent

22 June 2021

The supply of milk by Dutch dairy farmers to dairy factories in the Netherlands in the first four months of this year amounted to almost 4.7 billion kilograms. That is 2 percent less than in the same period last year. In...

NIZO examines value of substances from olive leaf

21 June 2021

OLEAF4VALUE is a three-year project, with a total budget of 5,687,060 €, that will develop a complete valorisation system for the olive leaf. The OLEAF4VALUE project will address all the stages of the value chain: raw ma...