Column Pieter Vos: More grip on the unconscious
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Column Pieter Vos: More grip on the unconscious

  • 06 February 2023
  • By: Pieter Vos

Did you know that we make only 2 to 4 per cent of our decisions really consciously? Ever had a hangover? Eaten too much that made you nauseous? Crossed a red light and barely escaped being hit by a car? We like to think we are rational beings. But 98 to 96 per cent of our decisions are made without thinking. Man is an impulsive creature.

I am not making this up. The scientist Kahneman discovered that we have two thinking systems: an emotional, unconscious, fast and automatic system; and a rational, conscious, slow and deliberate system. Over 96% of our thinking and the decisions we make take place in that first system. Personally, this factual knowledge gives me the creeps a bit. Apparently, we have less control over our actions than I thought. But it does explain why we humans so often make wrong judgements and decisions. 

In my opinion, when it comes to sustainability in business, 'continuity' is the number one priority. After all, whoever squanders the business, is left with nothing. To ensure business continuity, well-considered decisions and choices are of course a must.
So what can we do to reach that 2 to 4 per cent of our brain?

Starting point is awareness: what fuels everyone's gut feeling? What are the underlying opinions and norms of all team members? 'The sum of the values of the team members is the set of values of the organisation,' Prof. Hemel argued. And that set therefore determines the direction in which your company moves! 

With some regularity, we hold special team sessions in which we map out those values, opinions and norms. This way, we become more aware of unconscious processes. Are you still following me? Great, then we are still in system 2!

Pieter Vos
Director Nutrilab

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2023