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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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6 reasons to consider sustainable steam now

22 February 2022

All industry must be gasless by 2050. 30 years seems a long time and you might postpone this transition process for a while. Scharff Techniek gives six reasons why you should start thinking about a climate-neutral 2050 t...

Albert Heijn wants deposits on all plastic juice bottles

22 February 2022

Albert Heijn will introduce a voluntary deposit on all plastic juice bottles. This is clearer for customers and ensures that more plastic bottles are properly collected and recycled. With this step, all plastic bottles o...

Prices rise, quarterly sales lag behind

22 February 2022

first quarter of this year. This is clearly less than the more than 32 percent who expected sales growth in the fourth quarter at the end of last year. The number of entrepreneurs who expect further price increases rose ...

Origin of food often unclear

22 February 2022

The origin information on products in the supermarket leaves much to be desired. This is evident from a survey carried out by the Dutch Consumers' Association. The mandatory information is often missing or too vague. ...

UK exports less food to EU since brexit

21 February 2022

The United Kingdom (UK) exported 17% less food to the European Union in 2021 than in 2019, the last year before brexit. Meat and dairy exports fell by more than 20%. This is according to figures from the British Agricult...

Albert Heijn focuses on circular packaging

16 February 2022

Albert Heijn starts with the recycling of plastic fruit trays: by using PET from household waste for new plastic trays, the plastic gets a second life. The first containers that are reused in this way will be in the shop...

Upcycling spent grain is promising

14 February 2022

Upcycling Brewers spent grains for food is very promising, is the conclusion of the event 'Brewer's spent grain: moving forward!'. In order to make the upcycling of this enormous worldwide waste stream possible and to co...

Third insect approved as food

14 February 2022

On 10 February 2022, the European Commission has authorised the placing on the market of a third insect, Acheta domesticus (house cricket), as a food. The term ‘house cricket’ refers to the adult of Acheta domesticus,...

Dashboard shows sustainability of raw materials

11 February 2022

Just one mouse click to find out whether a product or ingredient has been produced in a socially responsible way? At the moment, it still seems too good to be true, but agricultural economist Petra Berkhout of Wageningen...

TOP-BV invests in a vegan egg alternative

11 February 2022

Protein transition and veganism are here to stay. Therefore TOP-BV is investing in the coming period in the development of ingredients, products and systems to create a vegan alternative to the egg. The expectation is to...

Risk assessments for microplastic within reach

11 February 2022

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research now provide the first mathematical framework to assess the risks of microplastic particles. So far, studies comparing the exposure and effects of microplastic particles...

3D printed protein paste mimics animal fat

10 February 2022

In the search for the perfect vegetarian burger or steak, fat plays a major role. The animal fat in meat has a certain creaminess and mouth feel that seems difficult to replace. Researchers at Wageningen University &...

The RBK Group has moved

10 February 2022

As of 9 February 2022, RBK Group has moved. After more than 15 years the old familiar office has been left, it was time for a new home because RBK had outgrown its premises. They remain in the neighbourhood, the removal ...

The IFFA Contactor industry search engine goes live

09 February 2022

The exhibitor search of the leading trade show IFFA is transforming into a permanent industry search engine for technologies related to the processing and packaging of meat and alternative proteins. Starting with IFFA 20...

New centre for microbial teamwork

09 February 2022

Mankind has used micro-organisms since time immemorial. To make beer or cheese, for example. In biotechnology, this discipline has been elevated to an art form. But this often involves one type of bacteria or fungus that...