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Sustainable packaging: Challenges and opportunities

Packaging needs to be more sustainable. Everyone agrees on that. But how? Companies must align their processes and products with evolving regulations, including the new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). ..

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HAK switches to organic

19 January 2023

HAK wants to switch completely to organic cultivation for all vegetables and pulses from the Netherlands by 2027. This is stated in HAK's 'Green Field Plan', an action plan that the vegetable and legume manufacturer is f...

Beans & Fermentation: a winning combination?

17 January 2023

The 'Further with protein-rich crops from nearby' project delves into the potential of fermentation, for processing protein-rich crops from the Netherlands. A regional project to process and market locally grown beans vi...

Safe preservation of meat and meat substitutes without nitrite

17 January 2023

The technologists of TOP bv from Wageningen have licensed a patent on a process that prevents the growth of the ‘botulism bacteria’ Clostridium botulinum in meat, meat substitute and hybride products without having to us...

Alternative proteins constitute a quarter of all food by 2040

16 January 2023

At least a quarter of all food could be produced from alternative proteins by 2040. This was one of the findings of a survey commissioned by machinery and plant manufacturer GEA of 1,000 chefs in eleven countries. These ...

Schouten Europe introduces vegetable fish fillets

16 January 2023

Substitutes for fish are booming. The number of introductions in supermarkets in Western Europe has grown exponentially in the last two years. This is why Schouten Europe is introducing a vegetable fish fillet in January...

Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables stabilises in 2022

13 January 2023

After a very sharp decline in 2020 and 2021, we ate plenty in (company) restaurants again in 2022. As a result, consumption of fruit and vegetables at home fell by three per cent in 2022. In contrast, consumption in hote...

Sustainability claims: Get it right

12 January 2023

Better for the planet! A more sustainable choice! If you develop or market a sustainable food product, as an entrepreneur you will naturally want to mention this on the packaging and in advertising. However, there are mo...

Foodservice market 2022: €5.8 billion growth

10 January 2023

FoodService Instituut Nederland (FSIN) reported at the annual FSIN Brunch conference during the Horecava that the turnover of food service companies had increased by more than 40%, to a turnover of €19.1 billion. Despite...

Lower production expected in food industry

10 January 2023

More than 16% of entrepreneurs in the food industry reported at the beginning of December that they expected a drop in production in the next three months (December 2022 to February 2023), the highest number since July 2...

EU approves new plant-based protein

06 January 2023

The European Commission has granted Novel Food status to two of MycoTechnology’s innovative and highly functional natural plant protein ingredients. FermentIQ™ ingredients are produced using a patented mycelial fermentat...

Vleeskalverhouderij in 2023: uitdagingen en kansen

05 January 2023

Uitdagingen voor de kalverhouderij komen in versneld tempo op de sector af. Denk aan maatregelen om stikstof te verminderen en het dierenwelzijn te verhogen. De relatie tussen kalverhouder en melkveehouder wordt hierdoor...

Directiewissel bij VSD Food Machinery

04 January 2023

Maarten Kooij neemt bij VSD Food Machinery de functie van Algemeen directeur over van zijn vader Hans Kooij. VSD Food Machinery is specialist in het ontwikkelen, produceren en leveren van machines voor de voedselverwerke...

Pork production drops 9.5 per cent by 2032

04 January 2023

The EU Commission expects global demand for meat to evolve differently over the next decade.  Indeed, the Commission expects a 2.2 million tonnes (9.5 per cent) drop in pork production by 2032. According to the B...

The 10 best-read stories of 2022

03 January 2023

In 2022, our trade magazine was privileged to inform our readers about the latest developments in the food industry. The editions were packed with great company reports, interviews, scientific stories and news. To reflec...

More money for energy-efficient investments in 2023

02 January 2023

Entrepreneurs will have more opportunities to invest in energy-efficient technologies with tax benefits in 2023. This year, €249 million is available for this purpose through the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) scheme....