Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Aanbeveling Efaflex roldeur

09 September 2014

De hygiënische snelroldeur, de EFAFLEX SRT-Easy Clean, is speciaal ontwikkeld voor de voedingsmiddelenindustrie en extra schone of natte ruimtes. Dankzij de scharnierbare zijkappen en draaibare afdekkappen is deze deur z...


09 September 2014

Hako-AntiBac is an optional feature available on the waste water tanks of our Scrubmaster machines. The antibacterial solution and recovery tanks increase the levels of hygiene in sensitive areas whilst simultaneously re...

Vendrig walk'n closet

09 September 2014

Every day, food manufacturing companies use large quantities of workwear in all shapes and sizes. However, they often lack insight into the logistics flows of their workwear and how to manage it. Vendrig, a company speci...

De ontwikkeling van gezonde(re) voedingsmiddelen

09 September 2014

Op 1 May 2014 Professor Vincenzo Fogliano held his inaugural address in acceptance of his new position as chair of Wageningen UR’s Food Quality and Design (FQD) group. In his speech, he emphasised the importance of the d...

Improving sustainability with Pathema

09 September 2014

Pathema BV’s Industrial Vortex Generator-Circulation (IVG-C) CoolWater technology is a total solution for managing and recycling cooling water without the use of any chemicals at all. The technology has been nominated fo...

Meat transport as an extension of cold storage

09 September 2014

In 2013, the European Commission requested a scientific opinion on the public health risks related to the maintenance of the cold chain during storage and transport of meat. To this end, TNO carried out research in The N...

A new ‘FrieslandCampina feeling’

10 June 2014

Last year Geke Naaktgeboren, director of quality assurance & safety at FrieslandCampina, won the Quality Manager in Food 2013 award. According to the judging panel, she has “succeeded in significantly improving the q...

Tools for optimising processes

10 June 2014

‘Trends in automation’ is a very broad topic. It covers traceability, analysis of big data and machines which are ever-better aligned with one another. Tablets are also becoming increasingly commonplace on the factory fl...

Maatwerk met foodguard

10 June 2014

Ecolab en Hygiënepartner Brilliant Group bieden het reinigingsconcept Foodguard, een maatwerkoplossing speciaal ontwikkeld voor bedrijven in de voedingsindustrie. Foodguard omvat een totaaloplossing voor uw reiniging en ...

Analyseren met Silliker

10 June 2014

In de afgelopen 25 jaar heeft het laboratorium zich ontwikkeld tot één van de grootste en meest veelzijdige laboratoria en adviesbureaus voor voedselkwaliteit en –veiligheid in Nederland. Opdrachtgevers ervaren de voorde...

OneGrain® mineral salt wins MFC Innovation Trophy

10 June 2014

AkzoNobel was announced as winner of the MFC Innovation Trophy for the meat category with its OneGrain® mineral salt on 22 May during the inaugural MFC Event in Rosmalen, The Netherlands. Having been prepared using the m...

Allergen-free products basis for a transparent chain

10 June 2014

With tasty allergen-free herbs, spices and, since recently, sauces and marinades too, Dutch Spices is a valuable chain partner for the food industry. A process built around strict agreements is designed to ensure a trans...

A Smooth-Running System at Marfo

13 May 2014

At meal-solution manufacturer Marfo, food safety is fully integrated into the company’s operations. The QA department forms the heart of this approach and supports the other departments every step of the way, from the so...

Veilig voedsel van boer tot bord

13 May 2014

One of the basic principles of the current food safety policy is the ‘from farm to fork’ approach, based on risk analysis and traceability from raw materials through to end products. For all critical phases in the food p...

Detectable materials

15 April 2014

Legislation and quality systems dictate that the risk of foreign bodies in food products – and the associated hazards to consumers – should be minimised, which is why a growing number of companies are replacing non-detec...