New: the Habasit Service-App
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New: the Habasit Service-App

  • 24 November 2015

The production process may not be interrupted, but regular maintenance is also necessary. You don’t want to replace your conveyors too soon, but you definitely don’t want to be too late either. Thanks to the Habasit Service app, manufacturing companies can now see precisely which conveyors need to be replaced when. This is a real breakthrough in terms of planning maintenance work efficiently. Once all products and specifications have been assessed and the current condition of the conveyors is known, the app provides a clear overview of when the belts must be replaced. With just one click, the user has access to product specifications and up-do-date maintenance history, the service life per conveyor and the compulsory food safety certificates (Declaration of Compliance). In addition, the app provides support during the ordering process, which can be complex because each conveyor has its own unique product specifications. In the case of downtime every second counts, so you don’t want to have to waste time searching for the specification of the belt you require.

Source: © Habasit