Column Pieter Vos: SMART
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Column Pieter Vos: SMART

  • 07 February 2022
  • By: Pieter Vos

Sustainability ... everyone is talking about it, but what is it really? When are you? How do you ensure the sustainability of a production line? The interpretation of the concept differs from person to person and from company to company. 

People think: 'If I put solar cells on my roof or use wind energy, I have already taken a big step! Is that true? How do you know? Which key figures do you include in your calculations, and have you substantiated them with reliable data? Let's be honest: quite often this is not the case. Which is logical, because where do you find all that information? 

I, too, ran up against all these questions. We want to become more sustainable, but when can we consider ourselves a 'green' laboratory? The starting point is to formulate concrete, guiding and achievable goals, which you make specific and measurable. In other words, think and act 'SMART': Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-bound. Is your focus on reducing energy consumption? Or on reducing fossil fuels? On a longer life, or on the recyclability of the materials? Do you opt for a combination of several criteria? Also consider what is realistic for you, and when you want to achieve your goals. 

In my search for answers, I discovered The programme is aimed at America and therefore not directly applicable to the European situation, but it is a start. We formulated a more concrete objective: 'Our contribution to sustainability is aimed at reducing our CO2 footprint'. We also link the ISO 14.001 certification to the CO2 performance ladder. Check the reality on proposed key figures afterwards.

Make your sustainability criteria specific and measurable. Start measuring them periodically and keep doing so. It's fine if there are differences, but nobody wants a watered-down concept.

Pieter Vos
Director Nutrilab

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2022