Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Health effects of organic food on pigs

Scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU), and the Louis Bolk Institute (LBI) have initiated a large-scale study to investigate the effects of organic food on pig health. This re..

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Harmful pesticides on fruit and vegetables increased

02 June 2022

European citizens have been exposed to a dramatic rise in the frequency and intensity of residues of the most toxic pesticides on fruits and vegetables sold in the EU, according to a report by PAN Europe. The report cont...

WWF: 'Europe should produce less food'

24 May 2022

The EU imports vastly more food than it exports and our food consumption has a detrimental impact on the planet – but there is appetite for change. Despite being the world's largest exporter of agri-food products in e...

Inflation blocks sustainability in food sector

24 May 2022

In the coming years, food companies must do more to improve working conditions in international supply chains and to limit environmental damage, due to legislation. At the same time, there is a lot of pressure from custo...

Cooperation Sustainable Frites Chain extended by 3 years

24 May 2022

Since March 2019, the Province of South Holland, Wageningen Environmental Research, HAS University of Applied Sciences and French fries producer Farm Frites have been working together in the Green Circle 'Sustainable Fri...

NoPalm Ingredients wins Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award 2022

20 May 2022

This year's Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award (RDI) 2022 in the food transition category went to NoPalm Ingredients, a sustainable alternative to palm oil. Rabobank rewarded the winner with a EUR 20,000 prize and partici...

Meat substitutes from Dutch field beans

19 May 2022

Most producers of plant-based meat replacements use soy imported from South or North America as a source of protein. ME-AT the Alternative, a subsidiary of Vion, is the first company in the sector to opt for a local appr...

Decades of sustainability labels. What now?

17 May 2022

Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Organic, Bird Friendly... certificeringslabels die duurzaamheid garanderen van producten als koffie en chocolade. Maar hoe duurzaam zijn ze? Is het betalen van een eerlijke prijs aan de bo...

UU commits to transition to local food

17 May 2022

Lokaal eten, voedsel dat geproduceerd is in je eigen regio, en de korte keten, producten van de boer naar burger of restaurant, zijn in opkomst, maar de omvang is nog zeer beperkt. Terwijl het veel meer de standaard moet...

Recyclable barrier packaging now a reality

16 May 2022

The food chain is facing major packaging challenges and is looking for more sustainable solutions. For example, for a new material with the same good properties as laminated versions, but which is recyclable.  Wh...

Foodsafe and sustainable: does it go together?

16 May 2022

Making the cleaning process more sustainable requires some rethinking. Start by looking at your process and the resources you use with different eyes. Find that you can already realise (sustainability) gains with a few s...

Week Without Meat & Dairy more impactful than ever

12 May 2022

1 in 5 Dutch people (19%) took part in the fifth edition of the National Week Without Meat & Dairy 2022. This is the highest number of participants since the start of the annual campaign in 2018. New this year was th...

Higher rates for difficult recyclable packaging

12 May 2022

In order to further encourage the use of easily recyclable packaging, the Packaging Waste Fund (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen) will increase the fee paid by companies for the collection and recycling of their packaging for dif...

Grazing dairy cow most efficient farm animal

04 May 2022

The Belgian Feed Association (BFA), in collaboration with ILVO, has conducted a study into the edible protein efficiency of Belgian cattle. This study is the first to chart the relationship between, on the one hand, the ...

Turmoil in sustainability of the food chain

04 May 2022

The World Bank warns that we are in for a long period of high food prices as a result of the war in Ukraine. After the peak in 2022, it will take years before the prices of grain, palm oil, energy and fertilisers return ...

GEA's first mobile test centre for New Food

01 May 2022

Do you want to generate proof-of-concept without investing in your own pilot plant? This is now possible with the complete, mobile and modular industrial test units from GEA. For testing various products in cultivation a...