Editie november 2022: Hygiëne, reiniging en desinfectie
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Editie november 2022: Hygiëne, reiniging en desinfectie

  • 21 November 2022

Cleaning is an essential part of the overall management measures within the HACCP plan. Yet it occasionally goes wrong. A major - and often understudied - cause is: incorrect design, combined with a lack of serious validation. Recent outbreaks and changes in detection techniques are prompting more attention to machine design and cleaning. We discuss it with NVWA inspectors Coen van der Weijden and Coen Graven. 

Machine design, a source of contamination?

The demand for more sustainably produced food is rising, consumers are more often choosing plant-based alternatives and the food industry is eagerly stepping in. However, their production brings other forms of contamination.

And read also how cold plasma can be a mild alternative in controlling micro-organisms, microbial spores and viruses. What does this technology entail and what can the food industry do with it?

Strong example of Simpeldesinfecteren: 'You know it works'
Zuneha saves money with heat recovery system from LETS
At PoulServices, cleaning runs through their veins
Van Meeuwen Lubrication explains how to ensure food-safe lubrication of machines and parts

And much more

Source: ©vakblad Voedingsindustrie