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Insects as chicken feed: Innovation in the poultry sector

Breeding insects on by-products from the food industry offers a sustainable solution for feed production in the poultry sector, concludes the InsectFeed project led by Wageningen University & Research. The research s..

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SIMBA™: The next step in intestinal insight

05 October 2023

The gut microbiome, the universe within our bellies, is central to our health, influencing everything from immunity to brain function. Yet, much of its depth remains uncharted, a mystery that scientists are racing to dec...

Reverse design: the future of food production

26 September 2023

How do you bring a food product to the market that tantalizes the taste buds while also being sustainable, healthy, and affordable? Experts from Wageningen offer an answer with an innovative approach: reverse design. ...

Making taste and mouthfeel objectively measurable

11 September 2023

An important step has been taken in better understanding taste and taste composition: the 'mouthfeel model' turns out to be a useful basis for measuring taste. This is an important conclusion from the thesis: 'Unraveling...

Influence processing on digestibility of plant proteins

04 September 2023

Ruth Boachie's recent dissertation dives deep into the world of plant proteins, particularly the effects of processing conditions such as thermal treatments and their interaction with other food components. As the core o...

New technology for innovative precision fertilization

31 July 2023

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) announced the development of an innovative new technology that combines biosensor test strips and satellite-based remote sensing data to revolutionize fertilization practices in a...

Aleph Farms seeks Swiss approval for cell-based meat

31 July 2023

Aleph Farms, a leading innovator in cell-based meat production, has applied for approval from the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) to distribute their product, Aleph Cuts, in Switzerland. This appli...

Scientists create biodegradable food film

20 July 2023

A pioneering research group in São Paulo state, Brazil, has developed a solution to tackle the global plastic waste crisis while preserving food freshness. They have created a biodegradable film, derived from limonene fo...

Farmers worldwide oppose food from laboratories

18 July 2023

The World Farmers' Organization (WFO), a global organization representing more than 1.2 billion farmers, opposes the acceptance of laboratory-grown food as a substitute for food produced by farmers. The position, adop...

Infrared predicts taste perception of strawberry

17 July 2023

Sometimes a breeder or grower wants to know quickly whether, for example, a strawberry will appeal to the consumer during the breeding process or just before harvest. In such a case, a consumer panel is not the ideal sol...

PhD research unravels taste

11 July 2023

A new study has brought new insights into the complex world of taste and flavor composition. The mouthfeel model has been confirmed as a valuable tool for measuring taste, according to the dissertation titled "Unraveling...

EU wants to ease rules on genetically modified plants

10 July 2023

On 5 July, the European Union unveiled a proposal for new regulations of new genomic techniques (NGTs) in plant breeding. These techniques offer highly precise and efficient methods for developing plant varieties that ex...

Product temperature, know what you're measuring

19 June 2023

Measure and display a temperature seems trivial. ‘Numbers tell the tale’ you may think, but it doesn't stop there. There are quite a few aspects to consider. For example, what do you measure exactly, how do you carry out...

Study reveals insight into diffusion of Listeria

13 June 2023

Minh Tran, a researcher at the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB), has gained important insights into bacterial diffusion processes and their implications for controlling Listeria monocytog...

Microbiological challenges plant-based alternatives

15 May 2023

Globally, the market for plant-based dairy and meat alternatives is growing. Little is known about the specific microbiological hazards for applications of plant-based ingredients in new product formulations. Predictive ...

EFSA sheds light on cell culture-derived food evaluation

15 May 2023

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is committed to ensuring the incorporation of the latest scientific advancements and risk assessment developments in establishing safety standards for the evaluation of new food ...