‘Meat consumption increases the risk of diabetes’
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‘Meat consump­tion increases the risk of diabetes’

  • 22 August 2024

Recent research on meat consumption and type 2 diabetes highlights concerns about the link between meat intake and the development of this disease. The study, conducted by the InterConnect project, analyzed data from nearly two million adults across 31 cohorts in 20 countries. This large-scale research focused on unprocessed red meat, processed meat, and poultry, examining the associations between these types of meat consumption and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Significant associations identified

The results indicate that higher meat consumption, particularly of processed and unprocessed red meat, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. The researchers calculated a hazard ratio of 1.10 per 100 grams per day for unprocessed red meat and 1.15 per 50 grams per day for processed meat. Poultry also showed an increased risk, though to a lesser extent. These findings were consistent in North America, Europe, and the Western Pacific, while results in other regions were less clear.

Public health implications

The research suggests that meat consumption is a global risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Notably, replacing processed meat with unprocessed red meat or poultry slightly reduces the risk. These findings emphasize the importance of reviewing current dietary guidelines and highlight the need for greater awareness about the health impacts of meat consumption.


Source: The Lancet