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Tougher regulations for recyclable packaging in the EU

The Parliament has recently adopted new measures to reduce the environmental impact of packaging. These measures aim to significantly decrease packaging waste across the EU and further promote the principles of the circu..

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Ikea Retracts Eco Claims for Veggie Balls

07 November 2023

"A little ball with a big impact! The new Swedish veggie ball has the same taste and texture as our iconic meatball, but the production of the plant-based version has 25 times less environmental impact." Is this claim fr...

Protix and Tyson: Sustainability through Insects

06 November 2023

Tyson Foods and Protix, two major players in the food industry, have decided to join forces to produce more sustainable proteins. In an era where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, this partnership marks ...

The 10 most-read stories of October 2023

02 November 2023

 In October, our website was again frequently visited. To ensure that you don't miss the highlights, we have compiled a list of the most-read stories and news articles of October for you. EU wants to turn packaging wo...

Fish Guide Color Codes Updated

02 November 2023

In the ever-evolving world of sustainable fishing, a significant shift has recently been observed in the Netherlands. This change is reflected in the latest updates to the Viswijzer, a tool that assesses the sustainabili...

Circu-Sleeve: Award-Winning Innovation OPACKGROUP

31 October 2023

In a world where sustainability is increasingly becoming the norm, innovative ideas like OPACKGROUP's Circu-Sleeve play a pivotal role. This recent recipient of the Runner Up Award in the Non-Food Sustainability category...

Jumbo's vision for a plant-based future

30 October 2023

Over the past few years, we've seen how the supermarket chain Jumbo has been committed to promoting a plant-based diet. With the introduction of numerous vegetarian and vegan products, the store aims for a whopping 60% o...

Infrared Technology: The Future of Fruit Inspection

30 October 2023

In a world where technology and agriculture are increasingly intertwined, there's a groundbreaking development that's set to change the way we perceive fruit. Researchers from Wageningen University & Research have re...

Evasive behavior regarding plastic reuse regulations

30 October 2023

The pressure on the government's objectives to reduce the amount of plastic in the environment is ramping up. Despite regulations being in place for over two years to achieve this goal, the Environmental and Transport In...

EU wants to turn packaging world upside down

26 October 2023

Imagine a world where our daily items come encased not in piles of wasteful packaging, but in materials that champion reuse, recyclability, and reduced environmental harm. The European Union is making strides towards thi...

Europe witnesses a historic surge in packaging waste

24 October 2023

In a world driven by the convenience of online shopping and our love for coffee on-the-go, we're drowning in packaging more than ever. 2021 saw the EU produce a staggering 188.7 kg of packaging waste for every resident, ...

First Dutch circular meat substitute in the making

24 October 2023

Consumers are on the hunt for healthy and sustainable products, which is why they're increasingly opting for plant-based choices over meat. That's precisely where four Dutch companies aim to make a splash. PeelPioneers, ...

Dutch government wants to scrap plastic tax

19 October 2023

If you've ever grumbled while paying that extra charge for your 'to-go' coffee cup, you're not alone. The controversial 'plastic tax', introduced to reduce single-use plastic consumption, has raised quite a few eyebrows ...

McDonald's and FrieslandCampina: Leading the way in sustainable dairy

18 October 2023

In an era where climate change is becoming increasingly evident, two titans of the food industry, McDonald's and FrieslandCampina, are taking the lead. Together, they've launched an ambitious plan to significantly reduce...

Packaging Waste fund receives ultimatum from ILT

18 October 2023

Time is running out for the Packaging Waste Fund. As our world aims for a circular economy, they have failed to meet their collection target for plastic bottles. The Inspectorate for Environment and Transport (ILT) has n...

Nine golden rules for sustainable packaging

17 October 2023

In the ever-growing and changing world of consumption, it has become essential to re-examine how we package food. Especially now, as the call for sustainability grows louder. A groundbreaking study, titled 'Well Packaged...