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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Omzet stijgt, verpakkingen duurzamer in de supermarkt

09 July 2018

Het CBL, de brancheorganisatie voor supermarkten en foodservicebedrijven, verwacht dat de omzet in 2018 uitkomt op 39 miljard euro. In 2017 bedroeg de omzet 37,5 miljard euro. “Een positief resultaat voor de supermarktbr...

Terugdingen voedselverspilling

09 July 2018

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WFBR) voert sinds 2013, in opdracht van het ministerie Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, jaarlijks de Monitor Voedselverspilling uit. Recent is de update Monitor Voedselverspi...

Sustainable expansion ProMessa

12 June 2018

Central butchery ProMessa in Deventer outgrew its home. They are adding a new production hall, where sustainability - as in the rest of the business operations - plays a prominent role.  The growth of the company...

The fruit market demands a top-quality seal

08 May 2018

Plastic fruit containers with a lid are recognisable and therefore, trusted by the consumer. However, the demand for sealed packaging is increasing. This prevents the lid from falling off and logistics run more efficient...

“I’m arguing for large-scale waste stream efforts”

08 May 2018

We have to end the linear model in the meat supply chain, where everything is centred on efficiency and intensity. That is the opinion of WUR researcher Toine Timmermans. In his opinion, we should import less soya and ut...

Verduurzaming verpakkingen Plus

09 April 2018

PLUS gaat alle verpakkingen in 2018 toetsen om de milieu-impact van consumentenverpakkingen van huismerkproducten aanmerkelijk terug te dringen. De supermarktorganisatie heeft haar verpakkingsbeleid opgesteld met input v...

Markt voor vleesvervangers wint snel terrein

09 April 2018

Vlees staat in het middelpunt van een maatschappelijk debat dat invloed heeft op het consumentengedrag en op bedrijven in de foodsector. De Nederlandse consument wordt in zijn consumptie sterk beïnvloed door toenemende z...

Reducing the climate impact of meat consumption

09 April 2018

Making the global food supply more sustainable is a major challenge. The agri-food system has to meet an ever-increasing demand due to the growing world population. Furthermore, there is a new demand for non-food product...

Seaweed products conquer the market

09 April 2018

A pasta base, a seasoning in butter, or a jelly for desserts: the possibilities for seaweed extend far beyond just sushi. Its nutritional value also makes the crop a suitable meat substitute. But how easy is it to proces...

Food and the circular economy

09 April 2018

Food is responsible for 20-30% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions according to the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). In order to bring the greenhouse gas emissions of the food production...

Fred van de Velde: “There needs to be more plant-based protein”

09 April 2018

In order to provide all the people in the world with food in the future, it is necessary that they obtain a large portion of the proteins that they consume, from plant sources. Fred van Velde leads the research that NIZO...

100% recyclable plastic packaging

05 March 2018

In order to encourage a change in the worldwide stream of plastic packaging materials, Unilever has set the goal to ensure that all their plastic packaging is fully reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025. They are ...

Monitor food safety, even for sustainable packaging

05 March 2018

Organic chicken fillets packaged in plastic film: that does not seem like a sustainable combination. Plastic has a bad reputation when it concerns the environment, especially when the plastic soup poses a significant thr...

Food waste and transparency are influencing the packaging industry

05 March 2018

Bioplastics, storytelling, and the reduction of food waste are the terms that arise when experts from the packaging industry discuss current developments and innovations in their sector.  It is clear that there i...

Roland ten Klooster: Becoming more sustainable by taking small steps

05 March 2018

Roland ten Klooster is a packaging consultant and professor by special appointment of Packaging Design and Management. When he was studying industrial design in the 1980s, food packaging design in the Netherlands was a s...