Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack join forces
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Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack join forces

  • 05 July 2024

Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack have announced that they will collaborate from July 1, 2024. This partnership strengthens their market position by focusing on their core activities. The collaboration allows them to offer a complete and innovative range tailored to the needs of both customers and consumers. This partnership leads to a more sustainable and efficient supply chain.

Integrated approach for assortment and logistics

The collaboration results in an integrated approach to assortment, logistics, and quality. While Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack remain independent entities, they will jointly seize opportunities to provide customized solutions as experts in convenience vegetables and fruit. This synergy ensures that both companies can serve their customers even better.

Focus on healthy and tasty food

Jantine Heemskerk, General Manager of Heemskerk fresh & easy, emphasizes the importance of focus: “Heemskerk believes in doing what you are good at and what gives you energy. For us, that’s vegetables, and for Fruity Pack, it’s fruit. By working together, we make a difference in the fresh convenience market and can serve our customers even better. All with the goal of helping consumers make healthy and tasty choices.”

Wim Kleinjan, General Manager of Fruity Pack, adds: “The DNA of Heemskerk fresh & easy matches well with ours. We are both family businesses, share core values, and work with respect for our customers and each other.”

With this collaboration, Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack take a significant step in further developing their offerings, aimed at meeting the growing demand for healthy and flavorful food options.


Source: Heemskerk fresh & easy