Potato sector focuses on water reduction and sustainability
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Potato sector focuses on water reduction and sustain­ability

  • 02 July 2024

Agristo, Aviko, Duynie, Lamb Weston, and Peka Kroef are joining forces in a groundbreaking collaboration aimed at sustainability. These companies are focusing on implementing techniques that reduce water consumption in the potato processing industry while maximizing nutrient valorization. The shared goal is to operate sustainably and create a positive impact on the environment.

Despite heavy rainfall in recent winter months, there is significant concern about drinking water consumption. The availability of groundwater is under pressure due to extremely dry summers, increasing water usage from population growth, and a growing economy. Water companies and local authorities in Noord-Brabant have taken measures to address this shortage. These measures include promoting water conservation, improving infrastructure for water storage and treatment, and seeking alternative drinking water sources, such as the reuse of purified wastewater.

Innovation in the potato sector

The potato sector uses water for various processes, such as washing, transporting, steam peeling, cutting, and blanching. Additionally, water is used for cooling machinery and cleaning processes. In recent years, many steps have been taken to reduce this water consumption, including reusing water for cooling and cleaning. By implementing innovative and environmentally friendly methods, water usage can be further reduced and the environmental impact minimized.

Circular economy in action

Another aspect of this collaboration is extracting valuable substances from process water. These substances can serve as raw materials for applications such as animal feed or new food products, reducing food waste. Continuous monitoring of these substances provides better insight into their concentrations and opportunities for safe water reuse. The ultimate goal is to develop a joint project to test technologies that contribute to reducing drinking water usage and extracting valuable substances. This project is planned for the second half of 2024 and supports a circular economy where sustainability and innovation are central.


Source: Agrifood Innovation