Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Foodprocessing 2019

It is the same song every single day. After a hard day's work 'to put food on the table', there literally must be food on the table. The trend in the Netherlands is 'pure, fair, and artisanal'. At the same time, the current demand of three hungry teenagers and two (also hungry) adults is: can we make it quick? This food processing really needs to be done fast. ...

Pack(ag)ing 2019

Consumers, supermarkets, civil society organisations and governments are exerting increasing pressur...

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Empack Special 2019

Recycling plastic is a hot topic in the Dutch packaging industry. This main theme will be discussed ...

Circular economy and sustainable enterprise 2019

Start a conversation about sustainability, and you know you've got it; a discussion. It's all about ...

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Robotics & Digitization 2018

Automation, digitisation and robotisation provide very useful tools and solutions, also for the food...

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Cleaning & Disinfection 2018

Proper cleaning and disinfection are prerequisites for the delivery of a food-safe product. The basi...

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Innovation 2018

The agrifood sector is developing rapidly. Investments in Research & Development in the sector i...

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Engineering & Construction 2018

Food and construction are inextricably linked. Look at how we formulate it: a meal is ‘built’ from f...

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Food Safety 2018

According to the Voedingscentrum (Food Centre), roughly 700,000 people are affected by food poisonin...

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