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Sustainable packaging: Challenges and opportunities

Packaging needs to be more sustainable. Everyone agrees on that. But how? Companies must align their processes and products with evolving regulations, including the new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). ..

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Flexible and reliable slicer

19 June 2023

With the Divider startUp, Sismatec & TREIF offer an entry-level slicer that is ideal for use in a butcher shop, smaller-scale production or large-scale kitchen. This slicer is flexible, saves space and is reliable. It de...

Urker Zalmhuys uses a workable hygienic floor

19 June 2023

On Urk, the fish trade is never far away. The Urker Zalmhuys, once started as a small smokehouse, will soon open a fourth location there. From this location, the smoked salmon will be distributed. What kind of conditions...

Compaxo saves 70 per cent gas in partnership with LTI

19 June 2023

There is quite a lot going on in the meat and meat products industry. It is no exaggeration to say that the sector is under pressure. Compaxo Group, the company owned by the Van der Post family for the past 127 years, ch...

Lactalis: Creative renovation during food production

19 June 2023

Smart solutions exist for more sustainable maintenance of outdated production areas. The question is which one is right for your food company? And which one offers the best long-term results? Lactalis found the answer fo...

Esro maintains temperature with the right door

19 June 2023

Natural laws also play a role on the production floor. For example, too much moisture in the freezer room can cause frost and ice to form on floors, walls and ceilings. With all the consequences that entails. It is one o...

Bolidt and OSV: Food & Floor Experience

19 June 2023

Next to the production facility of the family business Bolidt, an impressive Innovation Center emerged in 2019. In the heart of the building, product developers are at work, whilst around this area there is also plenty o...

Differences between Dutch and European labeling

19 June 2023

Recently, the Dutch Parliament found that Dutch laws and regulations regarding information on labels are significantly stricter than European regulations. In fact, European directives establish a broader language guideli...

Germany introduces labelling system for livestock farming

16 June 2023

The German Bundestag has approved Federal Minister Özdemir's bill for a national, mandatory labeling system for livestock farming. This initiative aims to provide transparency and clarity on how animals are kept, and ena...

GMS 400 portioning machine completely redesigned

15 June 2023

Op de interpack heeft MULTIVAC verschillende verwerkings- en verpakkingsoplossingen voor de levensmiddelenindustrie onthuld. Een van deze oplossingen is de volledig vernieuwde portioneermachine GMS 400, inclusief het lad...

The new dimension in slicing

06 June 2023

The new powerful slicer SLX 2000, with up to four tracks, achieves exceptionally high slicing speeds, regardless of the product. Meats, cheese and their alternative protein products with a maximum length of up to 1,600 m...

Steam boilers equipped for the future

06 June 2023

There is a rising trend in the number of companies taking a critical look at their own business process to see where, in the near future or in the long term, sustainability can be achieved. This is the right time to take...

More monitoring and stricter rules slaughterhouses

02 June 2023

Once again, abuses have come to light in slaughterhouses. LNV minister Adema stressed that every incident where animal welfare is at stake is one too many. Therefore, the minister wants to strengthen supervision, ban ele...

Extra charges for single-use plastic packaging from 1 July

30 May 2023

New rules on the use of disposable cups and trays containing plastic will come into force on 1 July 2023. Entrepreneurs will be required to charge their customers an extra fee for pre-packaged drinks in cups and single p...

Food industry struggles with falling production

30 May 2023

The food industry is struggling with declining production due to several challenges. Soaring supermarket product prices have led to a decline in food demand, while supply is under pressure due to scarcer raw materials. T...

Urk establishes itself as European seafood centre

30 May 2023

Urk is a vibrant centre for the seafood sector with more than 50 companies and over 4,500 employees. Local companies have joined forces to position Urk as a future-proof centre for fishing and fish processing.  T...