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Vision report | Digital and sustainable transformation

How advanced are Food & Beverage companies in their digital transformation concerning sustainability? In this report, we discuss the progress and challenges of this transformation with 8 professionals. The Food &a..

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Future plans

02 May 2017

At Sleegers Technique BV they believe that standing still means going backwards, which is why they not only invest in developing new machines but also in improving existing models. The company is currently hard at work o...

Huub Sleegers: James Bond's Q of machine building

02 May 2017

Anyone who buys carpaccio from a supermarket nowadays can safely assume that the tender meat has been thinly sliced and packaged by a Sleegers Technique BV machine. This was the first machine that Huub Sleegers, from the...

Global reputation as the leading specialist

02 May 2017

60 percent of the orders received by Sleegers Technique BV come from North America , and customers from Australia, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Thailand  have also tracked down the company to its headquarters ...

VR Game: Put the meat in the slicer yourself

02 May 2017

Trade fairs like Interpack attract tens of thousands of visitors. Hundreds of exhibitors vie for attention, trying to outdo one another with the best displays and the most eye-catching brochures. Everyone is keen to expl...

Always striving to be the best

02 May 2017

Everyone who knows me also knows that I’m a big football fan. Despite being born in Brabant, I don’t support PSV; Ajax is the club for me. Even as a young boy I loved the beauty and style of the Amsterdam-based team’s ga...

Taking slicing and packaging to the highest leve

11 April 2017

Ton Aarnink’s meat factory is based in the Dutch town of Meppel. With his knowledge of the business, his strong team and top-quality machines, this seasoned butcher can make virtually any meat product. Ton Aarnink has...

Presentations, demos and workshops

11 April 2017

Are you interested in attending an interesting day about surface finishing and metalworking? And seeing demonstrations of some of the most innovative and robotised machines around? Or perhaps you’re keen to learn about t...

Burgers, burgers and yet more burgers

06 March 2017

The burgers from Halifax in Denmark are tasty, classically American but certainly not old-fashioned. But before customers can bite heartily into their burgers, the various components must be safely packed for the journey...

Efficiency gains thanks to new building

07 February 2017

The company called Aan de Stegge Twello has reached an agreement relating to the new-build project for Hems/Fortuna in Oss. Hems BV and its subsidiary Fortuna BV are specialised in the supply of a wide range of meat prod...

Personalised nutrition

07 February 2017

Besides sustainability, health is one of the most important issues in the food sector. “In the future, we will see a society in which each individual can and wants to make conscious choices to follow a diet that is preci...

Bizerba helps with process optimation

10 January 2017

Many companies are currently working on process improvements. The most commonly heard reasons for doing so are to improve delivery reliability, customer satisfaction and efficiency. Bizerba actively helps food manufactur...

Serive design vouchers 2017

10 January 2017

Service Design Vouchers are part of a Dutch government subsidy scheme for SME businesses in the manufacturing industry that want to develop services which are related to their products. Many SME companies in the manufact...

PEF for fries and crisps

14 November 2016

Pulsemaster BV from Bladel has introduced an effective new pulsed electric field (PEF) pilot-scale batch system, under the brand name ‘Solidus’. The system can be used to determine the effects of PEF on whole potatoes in...

Digitale transitie

11 October 2016

‘De volgende – diepere – golf van digitalisering dient zich aan, een golf die ons leven nog ingrijpender en sneller zal veranderen. Toonaangevende experts geven aan dat bij de juiste (beleids)keuzes een extra BBP groei v...

Verdienkracht & vooruitgang

11 October 2016

‘Met Smart Industry is binnen vier jaar een extra economische groei van 1% mogelijk. In het MKB kunnen honderdduizenden nieuwe banen worden gecreëerd.’ Dat voorspelt FME (de ondernemersorganisatie voor de technologische ...